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I woke up pretty early, I took a look at my Phone, 6:12 am.
I sighed.
Klaus was laying behind me, still sleeping.
He looked so cute.
I was laying down again and cuddled against Klaus.
He layed his arm around me.
Yesterday may was one of the worst Days in my life, but somehow I was happy today.
Eventuell I fell asleep again.

„Good Morning love" , Klaus was talking with his mouth against my Neck, it ticketed a little bit.
I giggled.
„Good Morning Nik."
„You know." He said sitting up.
"I thought we should go shopping today, we could go out, get some food so you can get other things in you mind. You know a everything-will-be-good-day " Klaus said.
I smiled "sounds great" it was so cute from Klaus to take me out for a day.
I looked at the Clock: 9:34 am.
"I'm going to shower." I said.
"Okay, me too." Klaus answered.
He was going downstairs in the Bathroom, I got in the Bathroom upstairs.

I went into the shower and thought about Klaus, I was confused- I should be sad because of the thing with Damon but I was actually feeling great.
I couldn't wait spending the Day with Klaus.
It was ridiculous, we are always spending time together, why was I nervous?
I didn't want to catch feelings for Klaus, that was a No-Go!
I tried to get this out of my Mind.
"Shit" I mumbled when I realized I forgot my Clothes In my Bedroom.
I crabbed my towel and wrapped it around me.
I went in my room and got dressed.
I tried to close my bra, but It didn't work.
It's so hard to close it cause it's a little bit broken.
Normally I would ask Bex or Freya to help me but since they weren't there...
I had two options: ask Klaus to help me or just go without a bra.
Since it was Summer I was going to wear a tight white dress- that should be okay without a bra.
Fuck it, I thought and got dressed.

Fuck it, I thought and got dressed

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It was... risky, I didnt want Klaus to think that I want him, even tho I do... kinda...
Well who cares, its not that bad so it should go.
I put on a bit make up, nothing special, just some concealer and Mascara, than I went downstairs.

Klaus was making breakfast.
He looked at me, "wow you look... very pretty"
He said. I blushed, "thank you"
"Sooo can u help you in the kitchen?" I asked
"Nah, you sit down, I want you to feel good so you don't have to do anything today."
"Klaus, you really don't have to-"
"Yes I do, you're my Best Friend, Yn."

A few mins later he came out of the kitchen with a Plate full with Pancakes and fruits.
"This looks delicious! Thank you so much Klaus"
"Of course, I hope it also tastes good."
When we finished eating we already went out.
It was a great day, we were shopping and we had so much fun.

"Thank you for spending the Day with me Klaus, you really know how to make me happy." I hugged him.
"Of course, everything for you, Love."
It was already 21 pm, the stores were closing
"We should go home." I said
"Yes sure but first i want to show you something, not here, we gotta walk a bit."
Klaus Said.
I had no Idea where we were going but I trusted him.

15 mins later we were finally there, it was amazing!
"There we are." Klaus Said.
"Wow" whispered.

"The Sunset here is gorgeous  and I thought you would like it here

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"The Sunset here is gorgeous  and I thought you would like it here." Klaus said.
"Yes! I am so thankful for having you Klaus!" I looked right into his eyes.
He was putting my hair behind my ear, that was probably the most beautiful moment in my life.
I wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't.
Me were just sitting in the grass, talking and watching the sunset. It was perfect.
At 11 pm Klaus and I were going home.

I was going into the bathroom and getting ready for bed as soon as we arrived.
Before I went to bed I went into Klaus' room.
I knocked.
"Yes?" His Voice was so hot gosh...
"heyy, I wanted to say thank you again, today was a really great day, just because of you."
"Yes of course, I also liked it."he answered.
I smiled. " Well, I'm going to bed, good night." I wanted to leave but he grabbed my Arm.
"You can also sleep here, in case you feel also or something." KLaus offered.
"Um- yea that would be really nice, but only if this is okay with you."
"Sure!" He said immediately.
"Thank you, Nik."
I layed down next to him, he came closer and hugged me.
„Good night" i whispered.
„Good Night." he said and then he gave me a kiss on my forehead.
I smiled and nestled against him.
I fell asleep super fast.
I never wanted this moment to be over...

I see you now- Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now