The Drive

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Athena's pov:

The drive to school was at least 20 minutes away. We arrived not to long after that and I immediately felt a heavy weight on my chest,Vaughn must have noticed because he suddenly grabbed my hand and squeezed it slightly to bring me out of my trance,''hey, are you okay?''I couldn't say anything so I just nodded instead. Kat and Ali said someone tried to sabotage me at last week's practise.  I obviously told Vaughn about it, I mean he is my boyfriend after all.

He took the matter too lightly for my liking but what could i do or say that was just Vaughn was, regardless of any situation. ''You know we don't have to go in if you aren't comfortable yet...'' he suddenly said making me look at him wide eyed

''What do you mean?''confusion obvious in my tone. ''I mean wanna ski-'' he suddenly stopped mid sentence and i wondered why why until i heard someone knock on the window. I turned around to see Ali and Kat and Vaughn's closest friends . After a few minutes of inaudible debating they climbed into the car and yelled ''DRIVE!!'' all in unison


Aiden's Pov:

''dude drive!''

''DRIVE''they all yelled again. I hesitantly started the ignition and made my way out of the school parking lot. ''brooooo!! that-that was fucking insane!"Kat suddenly said in between laugher and soon after that the car was filled with laughter.

''What happened back there?'' I ask obviously confused by what just happened .''Someone bubble-wrapped everything in the principal's office and then decided to leave detention Kat finally spoke up rolling her eyes at Goergie and Sammy ''How are you guys involved then?'' Sen asked, confused ''we helped them escape '' she answered in a 'duh' tone.  I decided to drive us to one of our favourite hang out spots Manny's, a drive through fast food restaurant just a few minutes from school.

We stayed in the car while we ate, listening to music and just talking for an hour straight. ''So we are all just going to skip school like its nothing?'' Lyla suddenly asked, we all laughed at how innocent she was, lyla is one of Sen's closest friend's and from observation she doesn't look like shes ever done anything ''naughty'' or bad. ''uhm yeah.. I guess'' Sen responded to the question lyla asked earlier. she just shrugged and dismissed everything else

I decided I wanted to go somewhere else, so I drove us to black lake beach-funny name for a beach I know- as soon as we got there everyone immediately ran off to the water , i can't blame them, it's been a long week. Serenity's mind has been somewhere else all morning i think she's still thinking about the accident that happened last week , I think i was too quick to dismiss the idea of someone actually trying to hurt her.  I think i need to talk to her about this again, I thought as i made my way over to her as she set at the shore watching everyone else enjoy in themselves in the water

''Sen-Baby''I called out as I sat next to her "hmm" she responded absent mindedly, it's really hard to talk to her ,especially when she's in these trance like times. " I think we should talk about what happened....last week"I dreaded on, afraid I might trigger something in her "oh" that's all she said. That's all she really said. "hey" i pulled her towards me and onto my lap so i could have all her attention . " I know this is hard for you,but im here and i know i didn't want to listen in the beginning but i want to now, if you'll tell me''

I must have hit something cause she broke-down and clung to me like i would disappear if she let go of me for even a second. ''Hey hey hey, its okay we got this okay, i won't let them get to you, hmm?'' I felt her nod against me and that was enough. For now


Omg guys it was so exciting writing this chapter, the amount of things that went down, talk about drama.... What is Vaughn going to do? how could he protect Serenity?? And from who?Is there a possibility that Kat and Ali know who did it??

Don't forget to comment,vote and correct me my loves .... Hope you enjoyed

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