14 The collective (Short welcome)

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I drop my hammer and Lyain drops his bat and gun. I then drop my tazer. The gate opens. Me, Lyain, and Robert walk in and get patted down.

Guard: Name, age, height, location information.

Lyain: Lyain. 12. 5'5. gas station. and I'm Y/N's Brother.

Me: Y/N. 14. 5'4. I'm with Lyain. gas station.

Robert: Robert. 64. 6'1. Hilltop.

Guard: Hill top?

Man: Hello.

I see everyone kneel. Me, Robert, and Lyain were the only ones standing.

Man: Who are you.

Robert: I am a camp leader at the hilltop over there... we were informed you got bombed. That was not us, sir.

Man: Why should I believe you?

Robert: we want peace for the new world and we let alone don't have the resources. we live in campers, sir.

Man: Who do you suggest it might be then?

Robert: Im gonna throw this guess out there and it might be hard to believe but, The swimmers.

Me: swimmers?

Lyain: ducks shawty cmon, context. Clues? 🕵️‍♀️

The man stares at us with a blank expression.

Man: Why are you with these kids?

Robert: They found us, we don't have enough room. Would you take them?

The guard kicks me and Lyain on the ground. 

Man: What else do you come here for?

Robert: Be careful!

Man: What else?

Robert: ...Trade.

Man: we'll be there tomorrow for food we will have our share. We expect you to have yours, Yother!

Everyone stands. The Guard points Robert out of this place. The guard grabs me and Lyain and drags us to the corner.

Guard: That man is the president. When he is around kneel. When he says yeal the person that's speaking stand if he says Yale the next person in the line or group stands. if he says yother everyone stands. When he says leave you kneel then leave. My names Joe if you have any questions ask. Follow.

We follow Joe to this building.

Joe: Separate or same rooms?

Y/N: Same.

Joe: This is yours.

He points to a room.

Joe: Follow.

We walk to a separate building.

Joe: Presidents office. We also just got bombed as you can tell so explore and be careful for holes. Dont pull anything.

He walks away.

Y/N: Well what do we do now?


I give him the egg.

Lyain: YAY!

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