Chapter 1

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At night in the Hyoudou Residence.

Issei was in the middle of his big bed he could barely sleep because he had a fight with his parents.

Issei: This is bullshit.

Ddrag:(Calm down, I know you're upset but try to relax.)

Issei: Your right, it's been awhile since I've herd from Rias, and the other.

Issei pulled out his phone too see did he get any texts or missed phone calls.

Issei: What's this?

He sees a message from Riser.

Issei: This is from, Riser. And this is from.....3 hours ago?

He pressed the message too see him, Rias, her peerage, Irina, Rossweisse, Ravel, Saji, and Sairaorg all in bed naked having sex with each other.


Issei stares at the picture of everyone in bed


{Phone being crushed}

Issei crushed in his phone in a fit of rage then throws it and jumps out of his bed putting on his shoes and running out of his bedroom as he runs he used the elevator to make his way down the house then he runs out the door and release his devil wings too fly leaving a red streak behind him.

Ddrag:(Issei, Issei? Are you listening to me?)

Issei ignore Ddrag and kept flying until he made his way too the ORC building as he crashes down then walks to the building and ripping the door off and throws it with brutal strength and walking inside the building searching for everybody.

Issei: For all the things I did for them this is how they repay me!

Ddrag:(I Know you're upset but now's not the time for-

Issei: Not now, Ddrag! I knew something was wrong in the first place when Riser, Saji and Sairaorg arrived in the building and I was too blind to see it!

Ddrag:(Preposterousus! Riser, Ravel, Rias and Sairaorg are related they would never.)

Issei: We are about too find out.

Issei the herd some noises from upstairs and walked though the building to find what it was, Then he found a room that he never seen before so he opens it and saw that the lights where turn out but he could see in the dark he sees multiple body's in one bed also seeing bottles of alcoholic everywhere along with condoms and one broken one on the ground he also sniff the air as the room reek of sex.

*Heartbeat x2*

Tears was running down Issei's angry face as he shuts on the light waking everyone up.

Ravel: Is it morning already?

Koneko and Gasper: It's so bright.

Riser: Man, how drunk where we?

Akeno: We did party a little to hard, we got a little carried away.

Asia: Wait! where's, Issei?

Xenovia: I think he didn't showed up.

Irina: A shame he didn't come with us, we've would of have sex with him instead.

Koneko: Please, if he gotten drunk he would of slept around with other women.

Akeno: Your probably right.

Xenovia: Yet this feels so wrong that we are doing this behind his back.

Ravel: Don't get it to your head Xenovia. Just admit you had fun right?

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