Chapter 8

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Colbys POV:
I woke up with a headache, which wasn't that good. I felt something on my chest, so I looked down, and my eyes widenend. Sam's head was on my chest. I didn't know how to feel, I felt: confused, shocked, butterflies, and much more. I didn't know how to describe the feeling.

I tried getting up, but Sam kept pulling me back down. "Sam, let me up dumbass." I whispered. All he did was groan, so I layed back down. His legs got tangled inbetween mine, but I didn't care. The truth is, I don't entirely hate Sam. I know I say I do, but I have a tiny crush on him. Not a big one, just a tiny one.

Sam pulled me closer, and to be honest, I didn't think we could be any closer. I rested my head ontop of his, and shut my eyes. I didn't wanna go back to sleep, but I was tired. "AWWW!" "Shut up you're gonna wake them!" Tara and Devyn, whispered- well yelled to eachother. "Too late." Sam said softly. "woops.." "Why are you in bed together anyways?" I felt Sam sit up, which made me frown a bit. "Sam! sit back down Colby is sad!" Tara yelled, me opening my eyes. "hm.." i muttered, pretending I just woke up. "Why are you in bed with Sam, Colbs?" Corey asked, still in bed. I gave Sam the 'do you have an answer?' look, and he just shrugged. I sighed before giving them an answer. "E-erm.. He had a nightmare.. and I was the only one awake?.." I asked, non-convincingly. "Mhmm." Devyn hummed. Jake came out of the bathroom. "Bro, how did I not notice this.." He asked. "Because it was dark?" I answered "Not that, Colby you're gay." He said. All of their eyes widenend. And Sam just smirked at me. "W-..what?!" I yelled. Corey,Devyn,Tara and Jake all stood in a line. I felt my face heat up, so I quickly hid myself under the blanket. "Yeah, go suck Sam." Corey joked. I immedietly shot my head up, the blanket still over my head, so it looked weird. Sam got out of bed, and stood in the line with them. "We're going out for breakfast, ye can stay here and sort this out." Tara said. The others walked out, leaving me and Sam.

I started fidgeting with my fingers, before I heard his voice. "So.." "So?.." I asked. He sat in the chair in the corner pf the room again, and I sighed. I got up off the bed, walking over to him. I bent down, so I could look him in the eyes. He looked directly into my soul, trying his best not to laugh. I bit my lip, holding back a laugh aswell. All of a sudden, I couldn't hold it in anymore. We both started laughing, making it twice as funny.

As the laughter died down, we looked at eachother. "You know Brock, you're not so bad." he said. "You're not so bad yourself." i replied, flicking his cheek gently, not wanting to hurt him anymore. He stood up, making my face at his crotch. "Ms.Rue wants ye- OH MY GOD. I AM SO SORRY." Corey came in. "COREY IT'S NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" Sam yelled, I fell onto the floor laughing. "Oh yeah? Cause it looks like Colby was sucking you off." Corey said, covering his eyes. "Uh.. Ms.Rue wants ye in the buffet." He continued. "We'll be there in a second." I said. Corey walked out and shut the door.

I stood up, looking at Sam. "Well that was something." We laughed a bit before i started my sentence. "We should probably go downstairs so Corey doesn't think we're doing anything else." He nodded and we both walked towards the door.

We went down to the buffet and Ms.Rue was waiting for us. "Hey boys, I'm sorry about the bed situation. Sam we have a different room for you so you can have your own bed!" Ms.Rue exclaimed. I remember how comfortable I was when he was laying there with me. "Uh, it's alright i'll stay in this one." i was shocked by his answer, and Ms.Rue did too. "Oh? What changed your mind?" she asked. "uh.. I like the other room better." he replied. "but you haven't even seen the other one." "I don't care." Was the last thing he said before he stormed off, over to our friends. I smiled at Ms.Rue and went over to Sam and the others. "He wasn't sucking me off you dirty minded idiots!" Sam yelled, loud enough for only us to hear. "Yeah, sure. I saw what I saw." Corey said, making everyone except Sam laugh.

I put my hands around Sam's neck gently. "Bro, you're in public, horn-dog."  I rolled my eyes and out my hands on Sam's shoulders instead. "Just sit down dumbass." Sam said. I sat down beside him before realising Tara and Devyn were gone. "Where are the girls?" I asked. "They're getting food at the buffet." I nodded, and dangled my hand under the table. I accidentally put my hand on Sam's upper thigh, "shit, sorry.." i apologised. "Keep it there." He said, and grabbed my arm and put it on his thigh again. "What do you mean?" Corey asked. "Uh, nothing." I mumbled. Jake and Corey gave us a questioning look.

"Boo!" Tara yelled, scaring me. Making me accidentally grip Sam's thigh roughly. Sam let out a moan before slapping his hand over his mouth while my eyes widened."Jesus Tara!" I yelled trying to play it off. Jake and Corey looked at each other, knowing what just happened. Tara and Devyn laughed, before sitting down next to Jake and Corey. "Sam and Colby are fucking!" Jake said, in a feminine voice. " No we're not!!" Sam yelled. "It's okay Sam." I whispered, trying to calm him down. He rested his hand down on mine, which was on his thigh forcing me to grip it slightly.

Its weird. One day we hate each other, the next we're cuddling? My feelings for Sam have grown a lot. I checked the time 2:39pm. 'Only?' I whispered quietly. Sam must have great hearing, because he shot his head over at my phone. "Are you gonna get something to eat?" He asked. "No, I'm fine."  Sam didn't take that as an answer, because he pulled my face over by the back of my neck, and stuffed some bread into my mouth. "Eat." I rolled my eyes once again, not swallowing.

"Eat it, or else i'll give you something to roll your eyes about."

(1115 words)
bro my longest chapter ever 💀💀 ignore the last bit it was cheesy af

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