023. ❛ moon ❜

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N O - O N E S - P O V

N O   -   O N E S   -   P O V

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song details:

Italics- Camilo singing
Underlined Italics- Rosa singing
Bold Italics- Together singing


"What are we going to do?!" Carlos exclaims, shaking his older brother.

"Carlos! Can you not!" Gael snarls at him, pushing him away before looking around again.

"Rosa!" Delilah yells, and wipes a tear off her cheek. Her sons look at each other and sigh sadly.

"Rosa!" Archer yells, more like screeches.


"Archer! Thank you but please stop!" Gael grunted, making Archer slouch and come beside them- holding Kate's little hand. Then, Gabriella and Jude come beside them too.

"I heard a lot of commotion from the house, is everything okay?" Gabi asks, worried for her little cousin.

"No... They found out about her powers"

"And she thinks she's destroying their magic" Carlos adds, and Jude's eyes brighten.

"Hey, there's Camilo- is he looking for her too?" They turn their attention behind them, they look and see Camilo with his parents. Camilo was looking down very sad, walking with his parents on both sides of him, who looked a little sad too.

"Camilo!" Carlos calls out, running up to the three with Gael.

"Have you guys seen-"

"Do you guys know where- wait, you haven't seen her, have you?" Gael asks, with a sigh. Camilo looks hard on the ground.

Of course. How stupid can he be.

"I think I know where she is" He mutters, but the others didn't hear him.

"What was that, Camilo?" Pepa asks, as he looks at his parents to Gael and Carlos.

"I have to go"

"Wait- do you know where she is!?" Felix frantically asks, about to run after him but Pepa stops him. They saw him grab a guitar that was on the Guzman's porch and ran.

Camilo is more like sprinting at this point. He didn't realize how far it was from where he was at. He finally got to the familiar hill, ran up it and saw the pretty rose bush.

✓ 𝐌𝐈 𝐀𝐌𝐎𝐑 ↝ camilo madrigalWhere stories live. Discover now