Isekai'd... well damn

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I am currently in what seemed to be a waiting room with about 10 other people, we were all seated on the chairs on the side of the room as we waited for someone to come out of the ONLY door located at the end of the room.

Due to my... ummm... lack of social skills I decided to look around the room a bit, I saw some... odd decor around the room, for example a lamp... that was floating in the air with angel like wings... a painting... with moving people inside them... and so on and so forth, but I just shrugged it off as some eccentric guy into weird decor, I then decided I had enough and tried to make small talk with the... slightly transparent woman beside me.

"Hey... what's going on, why are we here?" I asked the woman beside me, but she only glanced at me and faced forward once more.

I just simply shrugged it off and decided to ask the person across from me, but before I can do so a woman wearing secretarial uniform walked out from the door holding a clipboard, she glanced around the 10 of us and looked at her board again.

"Martin Cane... is there a Martin Cane here currently?" She asked.

"T-That would be me, I'm Martin Cane." I said as I raised my hand.

"Very good, ok please come with me." The woman said as I stood up and followed her.

She then opened the door and I saw a bunch of people with wings wearing fancy suits and are inside cubicles, they were all talking to translucent people, some were crying while some seemed to be enraged, I tried to look around more but the woman began walking, so I had no choice but to quickly follow.

"I believe you have some questions, yes?" The woman said.

"Uhh... y-yes... b-but I can take a guess... I'm dead... aren't I?" I asked the woman.

"You seem to be unaffected by the sudden revelation." She said.

"I-I mean we all die at some point right, sure I didn't expect to die at 21 but it was bound to happen... I just wished it wasn't sooner but rather later." I said as I hung my head low.

Suddenly the woman stopped on her tracks and so did I.

"I-Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Do you have any regrets... anything you wished you could've done while still alive?" She asked.

"Hmmmm... I wanted to travel the world... I wanted to see with my own eyes the value of the world... I also wanted to meet people... I'm sure you could have guessed I have social anxiety and have trouble communicating with others." I responded, remembering all the times I worked my butt off for the travelling gear I was gonna use to make my dream come true.

"... Change of plans, please come this way." She said as she took a sharp left and into a golden door with blue and white accents.

"Please step inside." She said as she opened the door for me.

"U-Ummm o-ok?" I said as I walked in.

Once inside I was met with a long haired man with white hair, white and gold robes and strawberry red eyes, he was currently signing some documents with using a gold quill, he then looked up and saw me and the woman, he gave me a smile and stood up to greet us.

"Hello, hello, welcome lad, and hello to you as well Astel." The man said.

"Hello Lord Zestra, I have brought a promising soul for you." The woman -now known as Astel- said as she handed Zestra 2 pieces of paper.

The man took it with a smile and nodded, he glaced at both papers and then back to me, he then smiled and returned to his golden desk.

"So... Martin Cane, 21 years old... died by getting shot in the head in his sleep by a stray bullet... and in new year too... thats sad... your family must be grieving right now." The man said feeling sympathy for the young man.

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