The First Dungeon

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No PoV
10 days later

After the 10 days that they arrived in the world of Havenholme Vienn and Echo have had their fair share of struggles, especially when it came to securing a proper source of food, since Echo is still just a baby she can hardly hunt a rabbit let alone a wild ox or boar, and even if she somehow managed to get one Vienn was a bit squeamish and sometimes his body threatens to throw up at the sight of organs and blood... but that was 4 days ago and both of their futures are beginning to look up... even if they didn't have the beat start.

"Ok the fish has been gutted and descaled, hey Echo is the fire ready?" Vienn asked as he threw the guts of the fishes he caught on the river for other fishes and such to munch on.

Echo on the other hand used her lighting to make a fire where they can cook their meals.

"Good girl." Vienn said as he patted the small horse-like dragon and placed all the fish and vegetables they gather for their lunch.

After about 10 minutes of waiting the 2 friends began eating their meal, the two were absorbing the peaceful sounds of the forest as they basked in the warm light of the sun, that is until Vienn brought something up.

"Hey... should we go inside that dungeon we saw yesterday? The guide book said we can get some great stuff if we go in." Vienn said.

He then fished out the guide book given to him by Zestra and began reading a bit about what dungeons are and what they can provide.

Dungeons are multilevel structures housing monsters, traps, and most importantly TREASURES within their walls.

Dungeons are categorised by 4 types, Beginner, Novice, Master, and Hero, you can tell if the dungeons type by looking at the symbol at the front, a Triangle mark means Beginner, a Circle is for Novice, a Star is for Master, and finally 2 pairs of wings with a sword in the middle, means hero.

Note: Only chosen people are allowed inside the Hero dungeons, people that are not permitted inside will instantly be teleported outside and will be electrocuted by a barrier if they enter once more.

Anyone can enter a dungeon regardless of their rank or level, unless it is a hero class dungeon, however their safety and well-being are not of consideration when entering, if your strong enough as a beginner then by all means enter a master dungeon.

Rewards -or loot as the kids say these days- varies per dungeon, along with the monsters and traps inside it, the higher the difficulty of the dungeon the better loot you get, but no great treasure is left unguarded, so be prepared for a fight.

Once conquered the dungeon needs 3 days to reset its loot, traps, and revive all monsters.

Every dungeon is equipped with a special crystal that prevents them from escaping the dungeon, these crystals are called Aegis crystal if you ever see one please refrain from taking it since that will trigger the dungeons alarm system and WILL cause every monster within it to rush you, and if by some miracle you do happen to defeat all monsters inside a special one will be spawned inside the dungeon specifically tailored to killing you and taking the crystal back.

"Is what the books says... also yikes, ok mental note don't touch the crystal, and what else... oh yeah the mark yesterday had a triangle at the top of the pedestal right... so it means its for novices... I think we can take a novice dungeon, what do you think Echo?" Vienn asked placing the books back in his magical bag.

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