Lonely Winter Road

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Loss and pain. What else is there to feel in winter?

Especially when you're alone...

...walking down a solitary path with nobody in sight. As you look around you, marveling at the wonder around you. You wonder at the way the snow sits on top of the trees, light as a feather on the leaves. You wonder at the sheet of snow over the bushes, wondering if that bush won't be crushed by the weight.

And then you wonder...will you be crushed by the weight?

Will you be crushed by the weight of sorrow that comes upon you every day as you wake without her, the lack of her presence as you go throughout your day, the desire for her to accompany you even you know that it is, in the end, impossible? They say that the people you lose are forever in your heart, but you've searched in every corner of yours, desperately searching for even a trace of her without success. You've searched everywhere you could, scouring the house like one of those rats you used to despise, wanting to feel some connection.

Without her, your world is empty and quiet as the snowy landscape. Without her, your world is as cold as the frozen droplets from the sky in winter. As you walk through the winter landscape, the chilling wind penetrates deep into your soul and it finds a friend who feels as cold as it. It stays with you, not necessarily a comfort but a cold, hard truth. It accompanies you now that she cannot.

Is shared suffering the same as comfort? No. But at least you don't have to suffer alone, now that you know that winter, bitter and freezing, is crying with you. 

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