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I felt like I was losing her again. It felt just like last year all over again the only difference was that this time it wasn't some fuck boy. It was one of her idols. The worst part about it was that she wasn't noticing any of it. Every time I would try talking to her about it she just tells me I was over reacting that I was putting to much thought into the simplest of things. She defended her friendship with her over every little thing and to be honest I think this weekend will be the weekend that I lose her completely.

She decided to not leave with any of us when we were leaving to come back home. Her excuse was that she was having too much fun in the city but what disappoints me the most is that we spent the entire week in the city. Yes we each did our separate thing on our day off but didn't she have enough with hanging out with her every free day she had since she was given that fucking birthday party. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the girl but her actions are very questionable. She never use to really give a fuck about hanging out with Chancho up until after she broke up with that ass hole that cheated on her. The worse part about it though is how sad and dejected Ralph feels every time pics appear of Chancho hanging out with her new ideal.

It's like she is being blinded by all these new celebs that are being brought in front of her every time she is around little miss perfect. First it was cool that Hailee was hanging with her and hanging with us all actually because hey she's is our age and she knows how it is to have cameras flashing at you and stuff but her being friends with Hailee or being friends or me and Mani being friends with Zendaya never really brought us bad back lash. Her hanging with the new queen of tabloids though was causing some problems. Let me not even get started with that article saying chanch was planning on going  solo that night shit really got real and I swear I have never seen ralph so pissed or even seen her nostrils flare so much. Her eyes were even bugged the fuck out. I remember it like that shit was just yesterday well it did happen a few days ago but still that wasn't a good night.

(Flash back)

We were all in Ally's hotel room well all of us expect for Lauren, she had decided to go on some college tour or to visit a friend that was in NYU. Either way it was us four except for Camila's so called "queen of the green eyes" yeah they are kind of in a relationship but decided not to put too much attention on it so that fans won't go bat shit crazy; but back to the point we were all in Ally's hotel room watching a movie and Mani was texting my cousin since they have been dating for a good while now and I was just browsing through twitter until I saw a specific tweet that made me panic.

Now normally we know better then to believe any of the shit posted on tabloid sites but the title seriously caught my eye. I read through it a couple time trying to determine if it was true or not since Camila has been hanging around Taylor Swift too much for any of our liking but us being her friends we can't exactly say it to her because we don't want her feeling bad but what this article was stating was something that could not go unspoken about. Right when I was about to open my mouth and question Camila the door burst open and low and behold Lauren came storming in and if you looked close enough you could see the smoke coming out of her ears and the rage in her eyes.

"What the Fuck is this Camila?" She screaming dropping some papers right on to the bed

"Whoa hold on there Ralph breath please" I try telling her because I can already guess why she was so pissed

"Breath you want me to breath have any of you even seen this bullshit? Or better yet when were you planning on telling us Karla" Lauren says and once I hear her call Camila by her first name I knew shit had hit the fan

"What the hell did I do?" Camila asks all confused

"Don't fucking play innocent I read the article better yet maybe I should read it to the rest of the girls so that they all can hear how you are planning on going solo all because your new precious BFF Taylor Swift is encouraging you to leave the group" Lauren shouts all pissed off and I swear that if I hadn't gotten up and pulled Lauren back Camila would have not been standing or alive for that much longer

"Camila is WHAT?!!" Normani yells looking at Camila in disbelief

"I'm not doing anything I swear" Camila says trying defend herself

"Camila this is serious be honest" Ally says trying to stay calm

"I promise I'm not planning on doing any thing that is said in that article" Camila argues

"So you are telling us Taylor hasn't once tried to persuade you to leave the group?" I ask trying to give the benefit of the doubt since we all know that at the moment if Lauren said anything else all hell will break loose

"I mean she has been questioning the whole group thing but I would never leave you guys we are all Family plus you are my girls I would never" She declare and I know she isn't lying because Camila would never lie about something this serious especially not after the whole One Direction thing that happened.

"Bullshit" Lauren says from behind me and I turn around to look at her in a calmer state

"Lauren she isn't lying you know this" Ally says

"She might not be lying about the going solo thing but she just clearly stated that Taylor has been trying to get into her brain. Don't get me wrong that girl has decent music and talent but every thing she does bounces back negatively. On top of that she is way too nice she's even nicer then Ally and that shit is hard to top because Ally is fucking little Miss sunshine plus the virgin Mary put together. I don't trust Taylor and I'm sorry Camz but you need to open your fucking eyes. Taylor acts all nice with you and in front of cameras and in interviews but when it comes to acknowledging us as a group she can care less. You witnessed it first hand that night you went out with her to dinner and instead of giving the entire group the proper acknowledgement she just gave you all the credit. I know you defended us in some way but that still doesn't change the simple fact that she is playing you in a way. You just refuse to not open your eyes to the reality that your new BFF is just using you to be seen in tabloids more often since she has nothing going for her until her tour starts." Lauren said then walked out of the room slamming the door shut.

Since that night Chanch and Ralph haven't been very happy with each other, Camila slept with Ally that night and from what she told me the girl cried her eyes out; As for Lauren, Normani tried to get her to understand Camila's position in this but the reality of it all was that every thing that Lauren had said was true. The simple fact that we aren't as close to Taylor like Camila is doesn't excuse how we are being pushed aside or in Taylor's eyes seen as Camila and her four back up singers. We are Fifth Fucking Harmony not Fourth or Third Harmony we are Fifth Harmony meaning there are 5 of us who work our asses off to make the best music possible for our fans. We don't work our asses off for the haters or for those fake fans we work our asses off for those fans who have camped out for our shows who find a way to be at every show even if they are broke and we do it because to us the fans matter the most. But like Lauren said in some way shape or form Camila has shaded the true reason for this group and is letting herself get lost in the blinding lights of our rising fame. I was able to some how save her from it last year when she was dating the ass but now it is a complete different story.

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