Eight: The Return

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As Tanya watched everything happen she didn't even believe her own eyes not to mention the millions of questions she had for her mom. She could feel her head spinning from all the things she is witnessing at once. Her mother then starts to get mad at one of the computer operators as yells at him "Make sure the brain waves stay at normal we don't want the sim to crash!"
"Yes of course because you are always right" he replied.
"You have much courage to stand against me young man. GUARDS TAKE HIM AWAY!" she yelled.
Two guards entered the room and grabbed the guy by his arms and took him to the back room.
Tanya wanted to know what was going on now. She spotted a gun a couple inches away and lunged for it. After grabbing it she fired it into the ceiling grabbing the attention away from the desk long enough for her to slip into the back room unnoticed. To her surprise no guards came out to the main room after the shot was fired.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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