CHP 1 : the parks

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"jake, stand straight please." i hear my mom whisper to my ear as my dad and another businessman have a conversation.

hey, my name is jake, i'm currently 20 years old and i'm studying more about business management. my father liked the idea of me taking over the company one day so he sent me to school where i could learn more about managing and taking over companies and businesses, stuff like that.

"right, son?"

"oh huh-?" i shake my head, going back to reality. "well, i guess repeating myself wouldn't hurt," dad coughs and fixes his tie before speaking again,

"mister park here was just giving us an offer for a night out at a restaurant. to catch up on things and talk more of each other's businesses." the man with glasses who turned out to be the ceo of PRKC looks at me, waiting for a response.

"oh sure! I'd love to go." i smiled at them. my mom, dad, and the ceo nodded and continued on their conversation.

after a while of standing next to my parents while they talked i noticed a dark-haired boy behind the wife of the ceo.

'huh, is he shy or something.'

i felt bad for the dude just standing behind on his phone so i decided to approach him. i asked my mom for permission though, of course.

i put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "hey! i'm-"

"the hell?!" my hand immediately got pushed away after he noticed me, "who are you to touch me?!" the shy vibes this boy gave me seconds ago faded just like that.

"oh i-i'm sorry, i didn't mean to-" the boy suddenly was mad, like really mad. i just wanted to say 'hi' damn-

"do you even know who i am?! freaks like you don't lay ANY finger on the likes of me-"


the raging boy suddenly shuts up, rolling his eyes. we both turn our heads to our parents. "feisty kid you got there." says dad.

"ah, i'm sorry for his behavior. money and... i don't know, being a young adult just got to his head. i apologize." mister park apologized for the behavior of his son, sunghoon.

sunghoon put on his earphones and sighed deeply, i was hurt by how he acted, shouldn't i be receiving an apology too?

"hey, where's your sorry??" i tried getting his attention but it looked like he couldn't hear me, or he was just simply ignoring me.

i sigh and back away, going back to my usual spot.

while they were talking i kept sneaking glances at him, sunghoon. the rude dude who thinks highly of himself.


there's something in his eyes, or like.. gaze that just keeps on calling me or attracting me to look.

'no, stop. you just met him. plus he acted like a spoiled maniac earlier!' i tried fighting with my head but it's no use.

i continued sneaking small glances at him.

suddenly, when i looked at him again, he was looking at me also. my eyes widened, but not in like an exaggerated shocked one.

he raised an eyebrow and gave me a disgusted look and turned away.


"It was lovely having this conversation with you mr. sim."

"oh no worries, it was a pleasure. see you tonight." dad and mister park shake hands and my mom and the wife of mr. park waved at each other before parting ways.


"ugh, who does he think he is?! some millionaire spoiled obnoxious kind of brat?!" i let out my own anger when me and my mom got back into our house. dad stayed at the company to handle some paperwork.

i needed to blow off steam somehow.

"honey, the Parks are way out of our league. sure there are nice and kind billionaires but not everyone is like that."

"yeah, it's saying a lot about that cold penguin-looking dwarf." i flopped to my bed, still kinda upset.

"we'll be meeting with them again later tonight, and please, cut sunghoon some slack. he's just 19." mom sat next to me and put a hand above mine.

"wait... 19?! HE'S YOUNGER AND HE DARE- OW!" I suddenly felt pain on my left thigh, realizing now that i had just earned a slap.

"come on, sweetie. just this once. okay?" mom kisses my cheek before getting up and leaving but before closing the door, "and also, dress to impress dear."

"and why would i dress to impress?"

"oh don't deny it, i saw you looking at him. he may act rowdy and stuff now but you never know, he might change because of you~" she giggled and closed the door before getting hit with a pillow.

"what- me?? looking at him? pft." I went inside my walk-in wardrobe and then rummaged through it.

"hm, going black would be too basic, but white will just gain the attention of others which is embarrassing, but gray is just dull." hM.

i continued on looking for the perfect suit for tonight.


time : 8:43 PM

"it's freezing here." I grabbed a hot pack that i bought for me and my parents and pressed it between my hands.

we were waiting for the Parks to come.

"how many more-"

"greetings mr. and mrs. sim, sorry to make you wait out here in the cold, let's go in, shall we?"

my words got interrupted when they suddenly arrived. took them long enough.

"there are some thoughts I'd like to share with you mister sim." dad and mr. park started talking while entering, i was behind.

and so was the brat.

before entering, i turned to him, he didn't have any earphones on which is good but when my eyes landed on his whole fit, i almost dropped my jaw.

he actually looks like a prince, a cold one. but maybe that's just because he's in a suit.

his hair was pushed back, damn. before i realized it i was already staring at him.

"what're you looking at?" he looks me up and down, "oh, nothing." i replied

he rolled his eyes, clearly getting annoyed again then went inside ahead of me.

great, i hope this night doesn't end like a catastrophe.

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