CHP 8 : date

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!! third person pov !!

time : 9:32 AM

it was already morning and jake was sleeping peacefully on his bed when several loud knocks from the door was heard.

jake wanted to sleep more so he ignored it, but after like 5-10 seconds the knocking continued.

this made him annoyed so he sit up, rubbing his eyes and sulking.

"fine fine i'm here!" jake shouted from the room and reached for the door, when he twisted the knob he got pushed back when the door flung open.


it was sunghoon.

'ffs, what does he want know?' jake thought.

"are you just gonna stay in this room and sleep like some baby? get up and fix yourself! the fan is gonna die and the electricity is going up because of your lazy ass." after sunghoon's sudden lecture he slammed the door, leaving poor jake confused.

"what was that about?... jeez, it's so early." jake made his way to the bathroom to wash himself up.

- 15 mins later -

"what should i prepare today..?" jake thinks to himself while making his way down the stairs.

he spotted sunghoon just sitting on the couch, staring into the unknown. "huh, weirdo." jake whispered and went to the kitchen.

jake decided to make pancakes this time since it was easy to make. he left the kitchen to grab something until he saw sunghoon already sitting on the table.

still staring into the unknown.

jake found this odd since he assumed that he'll leave again but surprisingly, he's still here.

again, jake shrugged it off and continued making pancakes.

the whole breakfast was silent and awkward. not one of them talked, they just quietly ate their food.

!! jake's pov !!

tick tock tick tock.

the sound of the clock was all I heard this morning, after me and sunghoon ate he went straight to the couch and watch tv.

this kid sure is hard to read, first he acts like a cold sensitive brat then a mischiveous stubborn punk next a semi-flirtatious thug. ah I don't know.

i joined sunghoon on the couch, he didn't seem to care which was a first to me.

he usually gets aggressive and shit like that but now he's so quiet. did he drink pills or something?

the show we were watching was getting boring so i looked at my phone.

'1:43 PM.'

i put my phone down and sigh, then stretch my arms. i decided to go out for a stroll, maybe go shopping or go to an arcade. the weather today was great and it's perfect for a day out.

i stand up, about to go upstairs to wash.

"where are you going?"

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