Chapter 1 - Sheik

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Zelda turned around slowly, her prayers answered as she saw who was standing before her. 

It was the face of a young boy. He had longish blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and was clad in the green attire of the Kokiri people. Nothing really stood out about his features, he was relatively tall for his age, and had a sword on his back, but besides that... he looked like a normal Hylian boy. What really set him apart, for the princess, that is, was the mark on his left hand. Three triangles, one glowing slightly more than the others. The Triforce of Courage. 

"You have returned" she said, trying to hide her excitement. It wasn't like they'd been apart in everyone elses eyes. To everyone else it had been a month or two. But to them, they'd been separated for seven years, only knowing each other as Sheik and the Hero of Time. Would he want to be friends again? Could they ever go back to be children? After everything that had happened? Would they be friends? More? She could feel her cheeks getting warm. "I did it your majesty" he said, obviously also trying very hard to be professional. "I know... I remember"

"Navi's gone" he added, voice cracking, not looking at her. "Then perhaps..." she paused. Was this a good idea? Hyrule was sure to go to war soon, and they needed him. They needed a Hero of Time. But what good was it if the hero wasn't willing to fight. "Then perhaps you should go looking for her" Link looked up, surprised. "Go looking.... but princess..." she brushed him off. "You gave up everything for the kingdom Link. I cannot... will not, ask anything else of you" she reached out her hand and helped him up to his feet. 

Link's face was wet with tears. "The Ocarina" she said as he began to calm down. He took out a bright blue instrument, and Zelda took it from him, stepping back and putting it to her lips. "Remember this song... something tells me you'll need it" she played the song slowly, letting the hero take it in before handing him back the Ocarina of Time. "Keep it Link. It's safer with you, than it is. Whatever you do... don't let anyone take it from you" He nodded and bowed again. Zelda watched him go, and then called out. "Wait!"

Link turned back around, and the princess tackled him in a hug. "Thank you Link... for everything" he hugged her back, and smiled. "I swear, I'll protect Hyrule, even if it costs me my life" he said, pulling away from her. Zelda's face fell. "Hopefully it won't come to that" She watched, silent this time as he ran towards the exit of the castle. "Impa, you can come out now" she said, as soon as the hero was out of earshot. A woman with silvery hair and red eyes stepped out from the shadows. "My apologeze princess"

"It's fine Impa... Tell me, how long would it take for you to train me in the ways of the Sheikah again" The Sheikah's eyes widened. "Are you sure princess..." Zelda held up a hand, silencing her. "Very well, we begin tomorrow morning... but may I ask, why?"

"My country is preparing for war. So should I"


The sound of swords clashing together rang out across the clearing. A few yards from where Sheik was standing, leaned up against a tree, two girls were sparring. The first was clad in purple, holding a sword that reminded her of the one's used by the knights at the castle. Her long brunette hair was pulled into a tight, military style bun, and a small crown was perched on her head. The second wore a military dress, and was holding a much more elegant blade. Her hair was bright blonde, lighter than Sheik's even, it was pulled into a long, tight braid. The two swords met, and the girl's glared at each other. The first backflipped and landed gracefully on her feet, pointing her sword at the second, who lunged forward with equal grace, almost catching the first off guard. 

Sheik watched in mild interest, catching every mishap and miscalculation. The first's feet were always planted, and that was fine when they're sword's met, but it meant she couldn't move as easily. On the other hand, the other obviously preferred the Sheikah way of fighting, though none of those abilities were aloud in this fight (by the first's request). It meant that she lighter on her feet... but unable to hold her ground. Both of these things would be life threatening in a real battle, and also perhaps their saving grace. "That's enough" she called, pushing herself off the tree and walking towards them. The two put their swords away, nodded at each other, and turned to Sheik. "That was better. Now I suggest that you both take a break. Dusk, you're getting better at moving around, but remember not to keep your feet planted when the enemy is coming for you. Artemis, remember, not all of your enemies will be fool headed demons. Some are quite smart. As I'm sure you know. Your tricks won't work on everyone"

Both glared at her as she said this. Sheik was well aware of what they thought of her. Cold and demanding. She was well aware that none of them looked up to her the way that the other heroes had looked up to her Link... The Hero of Time. But she was also aware that he had grown soft for those boys. She wouldn't be so stupid. "Like you could do any better" Dusk, the first one, snapped. She was the Zelda who had fought alongside the Hero of Twilight, her Link's.... Time's, descendant. Yet, despite the fact that they were all related, they all knew that none of them would have the same bonds as the heroes had.

Sheik raised an eyebrow. "Alright then, if you'd both like to test that theory" she flicked her wrists, and suddenly, two daggers were in her hands. Artemis and Dusk looked at each other, pulled out their swords, and bowed to the older Queen. She bowed back, and waited for a moment. They took the bait, rushing for her at the same time. With little effort, she spun around, ducking under the blades and bringing her heel around on Dusk's arm. The younger queen yelled in surprise, her sword going flying. Still in the same attack, Sheik practically threw herself to the ground, hooking her leg around Artemis's heels and bringing her crashing down. Dusk was seething, holding her now sore wrist. 

Sheik was unscathed. 

"Fine... we yield" said Artemis, holding Dusk back. Unlike her brunette friend, Artemis was a bit more level headed. She had already been queen when she'd met the Hero of Warriors. Together, they had won the War of Era's and defeated the evil demoness, Cia. "Think twice about what enemies you choose to fight next time" Sheik told them both, turning around and going back to where she was standing before. 

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