Planet Syndicate

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[This Is Not The Planet The Pigmen Escaped To]

Phil opened his eyes slowly, , he was surrounded by obsidian walls and a bed, , he was chained to the floor and a strange man passed by.
' ' Hey Wait!! who are you?!' ' said Phil quickly to the passing man and tried to stand up quickly but was instantly pulled back down to the ground in a hard pull by the iron chains around his wrists.
' ' My name Is Tubbo.' ' said the man who quickly turned back and peeked his head through the bars. ' ' damn so they really caught a guy like you huh? I would've thought a bird could get away from a few humans quickly.' '
Tubbo said in a mocking way
' ' don't act as if you weren't caught to, , I don't know who they are but you must be here for a reason too! And you are chained up just like me, , meaning you aren't free.' ' Replied Phil Annoyed. ' ' True, , I was. I have to go now though or The warden will be at my throat again. Cya Crow-ie!' ' Tubbo said and wandered off to his cell.
Phil was awfully stunned, , what kind of creature was that?? It looked like a Ram but a human, , like a faun from Greek mythology.
Suddenly his cell door was opened. The guard didn't speak a word but neither did Phil, , they just stared at eachother. The guard unchained Phil from the wall and cuffed his hands to his front.
phil followed the guard down the hallway passing many strange creatures but stopped at one cell.
' ' prisoner 247, , this is your new roommate, , Prisoner 440. It is a bird. respect it and don't kill it.' ' the guard spoke to the prisoner inside said cell.
The door opened and Phil was shoved in.
' ' hello.. I'm Philza. ' ' Said Phil
' ' You are Prisoner 440, , we don't do names here. ' ' replied the new roommate
' ' Uhm, , okay then. What creature are you? ' '
Asked Phil
' ' what do I look like, , it's not very difficult dimwit. ' ' prisoner 247 responded sharply
' ' you look like a piglin brute to me. ' ' said Phil
' ' wow congratulations you aren't brain dead. ' ' said the piglin in a sarcastic attitude.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2022 ⏰

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