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The birds outside chripped at the morning sun, the warmth reflecting on top of the water from ponds and rivers

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The birds outside chripped at the morning sun, the warmth reflecting on top of the water from ponds and rivers. Norie felt the warmth fall on her face making her wake up, she stretched softly and turned her body and felt next to her.

Her eyes flew opened when she didn't see Violet next to her, she sat up quickly and looked around. Her heartbeat picked up and she shakes Gilbert by the shoulders.

"Gilbert! Wake up!"Norie calls out worriedly.

Gilbert groaned and sat up, he rubbed his eyes and stretched.

"Yeah...?"He replied sleepy eyed.

"Violet! Where's Violet? She's not here!"Norie was growing more worried as time went on.

Gilbert woke up fully and then looked around, the blonde girl wasn't in their sight.


The couple ran downstairs after checking the second floor and didn't find Violet. Norie was holding his arm so she wouldn't trip down the stairs, she felt chilly since she was still in her night gown but didn't pay attention to it right now.

Gilbert held her as they reached downstairs and ran to the kitchen and swung open the door.

"Violet?!"they yelled.

Teresa and Violet turn around looking at the anxious couple, their hair was a mess and they were breathing heavily.

"Norie? Gilbert? Are you okay?"Teresa says as she mixed the batter to make the pancakes.

Violet sat their eating grapes, confused on why they look like that.

Norie and Gilbert sighed in relief when they see the girl, They go and sit down with violet in the middle.

"What's with the rush?"Teresa says as she put more grapes into Violets bowl.

"We just got scared for a minute, it's nothing we're okay"Norie says as she rubbed Gilberts back to calm their hearts as Violet just stared at them.

"Okay, well I'm making pancakes. And heating up some hot chocolate"Teresa says.

Norie looks at Violet and pats her head with a smile and Gilbert smiled at her as well.


"the frog went across the pond and made his way to his family"Gilbert read from the story book to Violet.

Norie sat next to him as she looked at Violet.

"Th..."the girl began.

"The..."Norie says.

"The...f...rog"Violet tried to say.

"The frog"Gilbert says.

"The frog"she says.

The couple looked at each other and then back at her, she just stared, waiting for their commands.

"The frog"Violet only said.

Norie smiled lightly and then turned to Gilbert and said "maybe we should have started with the alphabet first"

"Yeah..."he says and closes the book, he stands up and reached for the small chalk board and handed it to Violet.

She grabbed it and inspected it, especially the chalk.

"Okay Violet, we're going to learn the alphabet. It's letters that make up a word, phrase or sentence. And we're gonna start by learning each letter and then you're going to learn to spell your name. Okay?"Norie says.

Violet saluted her making her nod.

"Great, let's see if we can do this"Gilbert says and they both started the "lesson"


She was crying, never in her life has she felt this sort of pain before. Gilbert was next to her, trying to comfort Norie. Her heart felt heavy for Violet.

"Norie..."he whispers softly.

Norie sniffled as she cleaned her tears with her hands and breathed out shakingly.

"I'm okay...it just...Why is she going through this Gilbert...? She's to young, "Norie cried softly.

Gilberts face soften, he didn't like it either. Violet deserves to be growing up here, not out their. He doesn't say anything and wraps his arms around her. He places a light kiss on her head to calm her down.

What they didn't know, Violet was listening in, still in the "classroom", with the chalk in hand and the chalkboard on her lap. She looks down at the word she tried to write, well two words, two names.

Norie . Gilbert.


"the frog...Norie, Gilbert"Violet says as she was getting her hair washed by Norie.

"That's right, but what about the alphabet? Want to say them with me?"she asks as Violet saluted her and places her hand back down the water.

"Okay, what's the first letter?"Norie asks as she pours the warm water in her hair to wash out the soap.

It was silent before Violet spoke out seconds later, she says "A"

Norie smiles and says "good job, what about the next one?"


They continued the alphabet and she had gotten through them quickly, it was a happy moment for Norie, especially Gilbert, after he was told and Violet said the alphabet in front of him. Soon enough, they hope she'll be speaking more words and maintaining conversations.

That feeling of that soft spot in Norie's heart had grew more for Violet, she wanted her to stay here with her and Gilbert. But as she feared, they had to go back to their duties. That worry was placed back on her shoulders, and she couldn't even lie and say that she could let them go. But she can't, but she's gonna have too.

Though Gilbert spoke with her, took her mind off the bad and talked about the letters they use to send each other. He told Violet as well, who was in the middle of him and Norie, And this made Norie smile and tell her more about it.

It's just another 3 months, but it could possibly be more. She knew she'll get them back each time


Dear Gilbert,

Do you really want to know my favorite flower? Or is it because you truly don't want to be simple and ask me what my favorite color is? Either way, I would've loved talking about any one of them. But my favorite flower is Violets. They've always been a special part of my life. From the time I was little, I always remember taking care of my mom's little garden in our backyard.

It would be a kind thing to do if you were to buy me every Violet you see, I've never had anyone tell me that they get me anything just to see my smile. It's making me believe you more in becoming friends. But I feel the same, to see your smile, what's your favorite flower?

P.s my favorite color is Violet.

Sincerely, Norie.

to the girl and boy with Amber and Emerald eyes(Gilbert Bougainvillea)Where stories live. Discover now