Chapter 44

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The moment I pulled my car in front of my place and got out of the car, Avinash immediately rushed to me and fell on my feet.

"What the heck? What are you doing?" I immediately reacted.
This wasn't something expected of him, and his gestures somehow surprised me.

He didn't leave my feet, and it frustrated me more.

"Get up, you crocodile," I shouted.
He immediately stood up and then held his ears, which surprised me further.
"What the heck are you doing, Avinash? Are you nuts?" I asked.

"I am sorry," he muttered.
"Sorry for what?" I asked.
"I committed a mistake," he confessed.
"A mistake?" I looked at him.

"Yeah. When I saw that guy in pain, I got scared, that much pain... No," he spoke, closing his eyes tightly.
So, he is naive. He had no idea about these things.

"So, now you realise you were wrong?" I asked.
"Yeah, yeah. I do," he abruptly nodded.
"Tell me then, how were you wrong?" I asked.
I wanted to know, what his thought process is.

"Actually. I had no idea that you punish so painfully, and the way you spoke, I had no idea that a girl feels so much pain when she is harassed or raped. And then, in return, you gave that much pain to the guy. I felt like I would almost shit in my pants, that was scary," he confessed.

I stared at him for a while. I couldn't wonder what he wanted to depict. He is naive, to be honest. And I am sure about it because even though he is a jerk, he is dumb as well.

"Well, somewhere you're wrong. A girl doesn't face an equal amount of pain when she goes through this, actually, it's much much more. Even though he was tortured extremely, but what happened? He died. But if a girl survives this, she faces extreme physical pain, but along with that, mental trauma that would scare her till her death. She becomes scared to step out of her room, the mental torture becomes extreme, and then, the people, the words they speak, they break her down. They break her down badly, and you have no idea how terrible it becomes," I spoke, looking at him.

Well, to be honest, speaking these to him, it felt like my old wounds were being scratched, but no, I can't break down. I will be strong, and I have prepared myself for every big battle.

"That girl's life is considered destroyed, her family's life is considered destroyed and along with that, she has to go through victim blaming. Tell me Avinash, why does she have to go through all of this? Just because, some pervert desired to fulfil his lust by scavenging her body, her life is destroyed? She is being shattered? Most of the time, the guy doesn't face consequences, but the girl, her life finished?" I spoke, looking at him, noticing his expressions.

And luckily, I could see the guilt and horror in his eyes. Something that I wanted to see, and it somehow made me feel relieved.
Well, now, I had to give him one more hit, because that what's he need.

"You spent one and half months with plaster in your hand, due to a broken bone. You lost your finger, and you feel terrible about it. But, to be honest, you deserved that, in fact, you deserve much worse than that," I spoke in a threatening tone.
He looked at me, and then gulped his saliva.

"Whatever you did to Kiara. Do you have any idea what you did? She was crying, asking you to stop, and did you stop? She was pleading to you, man. And you were going to rape her and record everything. That was the worst you could ever do to any girl, and you thought about raping me as well. Do you even know, what kind of horrible person you are? In fact, Rudra is a better person than you. At least he respects a woman's consent," I shouted at him.
He looked towards the floor, with his eyes filled with guilt. I smirked a bit because this was the guilt that I always wanted to see in his eyes. He needed this realisation in a very honest way.

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