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Beyond time, and beyond the imaginations, I seek out, I find it odd that the time that is within my life, is rather short in comparison with the age of the universe. As such, I ask myself various questions, ranging from the occasional, "Why am I here?" to even deeper and rather, concerning self-evaluative questions. Questions regarding my mentality, my psyche, myself, and who I am and what I am supposed to be. Perhaps you may feel this way, waking up every morning, and not truly questioning yourself or asking any questions because everything seems to be in the right place; but at a specific point in your life you are faced with that question: Who are you?

Maybe you are like me, waking up with the ever-increasing pressure of my own doing being put upon myself to create a legacy that lasts longer than dynasties of old, creating something that is worth remembering, and questioning my abilities as to how this vision is to come to pass. Maybe you wonder why you are here, and wonder why your purpose would seem so miniscule, why you as a person are even worth remembering, and what makes you special enough to be given wealth and riches? I am still in that place, where it seems like all my life, I have been chasing the wind, trying to have a taste of something so delightful and yet so downright bitter that the dichotomy makes me realize the impact of the taste: its duality, the sour and the sweet. The bitter taste, but the sweet aroma to filter out the negatives. But again, I wonder, what makes me worth remembering? What visions present before me should I undertake in this very short lifespan I call humanity?

I can name a few, and the first vision would be achieving every goal that has entered my mind that is worth lasting, the second would be to meet people along the road who are like-minded and who are willing to tread with me towards the greatness that I seek, aiding me along the way, and I, in turn, shall do the same. I aim to form a family, with a woman or women who show me their value, women who are willing to be mothers, and willing to share in the splendour that the king shall bring forth and will nurture the future generations of sons and daughters that I will bring into the world. A family...something that will carry on the name, carry on the legacy, something that will be looked onwards and something that is worth being called: a success. Even right now, the words that you are reading may have allowed you to think for a moment, it may just be something you have seen in passing and you may not have even reached this far and possibly have exited to escape the drivel of some nihilistic/existentialist person, trying to garner sympathy from others. But I don't seek sympathy, I seek understanding, and through the words read, it aids me in bringing people together, like-minded people who will listen, people who are able to understand, people who are able to think together and bring a sort of order or reinvention of ideas to bring out a positive result. Through reading this you are seeing the thoughts of someone, and know that there is/was someone out there who thinks like you, and who has lived the life that you have lived, and now the words spoken/typed/written are out there, allowing more and more people to come together for a common goal. Writing this isn't only a form of 'therapy' as some would say it, but as a ground where I am able to share with others, and look introspectively, learning more and more about myself.

Alas, we are back at the same question, the same statement, who am you? Are you the result of your parents and aim to please them? Do you believe that you should search out for some meaning of your own? Are you someone who believes in a higher power? Are you someone who seeks out change? In the end, all of these questions have answers found in books, found in experiences, found in God, or found in yourself. The visions that are amassed and transmuted out into the world are those that will last, but outside of the visions, they all come from a source, and that source is yourself. If you truly desire to become the best person you are, if you want the visions you have of yourself to come true, you need to come face to face with these questions and ask yourself who are you and what do you believe you should seek out for yourself and for the betterment of others.

One last time, before we depart, I shall leave you again with the same question that has been asked repeatedly, but something that you should carefully think about...





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