The Nine of Clubs

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Albedo immediately felt out of place. The ear piercing noises, the blinding lights, the outfits that cost more than his tuition.

Whatever, he came here for one thing, and one thing only, money. He won a trip to Las Vegas through an art contest, all expenses included. Might as well make the most of it.

He stepped further in and the scent of alcohol and tobacco got stronger, he couldn't help but scrunch his nose.

People made faces at him and whispered as he walked through, did he really look that out if place?

He finally reached the rummy table. He was hoping to win big,  college doesn't pay for itself.

After just a while, he won. Everybody was cheering and yelling. This was a surprise, not the win, he was expecting that. Rather that the same people who were just whispering behind his back, were offering to buy him drinks.

Albedo sighed and look over, making eye contact with a man lounging on a chair not too far from him. He sure was a looker. He winked at him and waved him over, this was the first time he experienced anything like this. He leads him to the bar, where Albedo takes a seat on the stool.

"Hey there, doll," A man says as he takes a seat next to Albedo at the bar.

"Doll?" Albedo raises an eyebrow, and notes that this is one of the best gamblers in all of Vegas, Kaeya Alberich.

"Well I would call you by your name, if you gave me the honor of knowing it," Kaeya smugly remarked.

"You'll have to buy me a drink first," Albedo retorted.
Kaeya laughs and pushes his hair out of his face.

"What do you want, doll?" He asks.

"A scotch, please,"

"One scotch and death-after-noon," He told the red-headed bartender, who Albedo recognizes as the casino's owner.

"A death-after-noon? How romantic," Albedo teases.

"I try to be,"

Their drinks are set down infront of them, however Kaeya's wine was more slammed on the counter than set.

"Thank you, Kaeya,"

"No problem...?"

Albedo interrupts him

"Albedo, it's Albedo,"

Kaeya hums "I think I like that better than doll."

Albedo displays a brief smile.

"So, Albedo, what brings you to Vegas?"
Albedo raises his eyebrow.

"How do you know I'm not from here?"
Kaeya has to laugh.

"My dear, I've bet on people's age, height, place of birth, I know an outsider when I see one," He smiles and takes a sip of his drink.

"And so I'll ask again, why would you come from New York that's not right...Brooklynn! Why would you come from Brooklynn to come to some cheesy casino?" Kaeya asked, impressing Albedo and earning him a round of applause.

"How impressive, Mister Know-it-All. I'm here with my friends for spring break."
Kaeya smiles, almost looking genuinely interested.

"What do you study?" He asks.

"I study Biology, I'm a college student,"

Kaeya chuckled a bit.

"I figured, I would hope I wasn't buying drinks and hitting on a child,"

Albedo laughed a little and then stopped. He was hitting on him?

"Hey, doll, do you wanna get out of here?" Kaeya asks.

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