Chapter six

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The peacefulness surrounded him. That was the first thing Kazunari noticed when he woke up. It was quiet and calm, so unlike the house he was used to.

Then Kazunari noticed why it felt so different. He wasn't where he normally slept at night.

When he opened his eyes, the ceiling was unfamiliar, but it didn't startle him, and it took him a minute for the memories to come back to him. "Ah," he said quietly when he remembered.

"How are you feeling, Kazunari-san?"

Kazunari looked over to his side and sat up as his heart began to pound. "I'm better, thank you," he told Satoshi, who was sitting next to the mat Kazunari was on.

The blanket fell off of Kazunari then, and he quickly yanked it up when he noticed that the top of his yukata was missing. "You're brother was worried," Satoshi explained before Kazunari could panic. "He was afraid that your father had hurt more than your face, so he asked me to make sure there weren't any bruises."

Kazunari carefully looked at his chest. He had a small bruise on his side, and he felt a little sore, but other than that he was fine. But the fact that this man had stripped him and looked at him made his face turn red. "You didn't have to do that," he told Satoshi. He looked up and saw that Satoshi was also blushing, like he was embarrassed. "Thank you though. That was very kind of you."

Satoshi rung his hands before looking up at Kazunari. He had never really been this close to anyone but his family before, and it gave him goosebumps. "Kazunari-san, your brother is leaving this morning. He's worried about you, especcially after what happened last night."

"Masaki needs to worry about only himself," Kazunari told him as he realized his yukata was right next to him. As he put it on, he continued. "He doesn't need to worry about me."


Kazunari looked over at the man. "Thank you for letting me stay here."



Satoshi looked back at him, but his words suddenly got caught in his throat. "Well, um... I-I was wondering--or thinking-- or hoping that... m-maybe you could... I mean you don't have to-- it was only a suggestion--"

"What is it Satoshi-san?"

"Would you like to stay here?" Satoshi said quickly hanging his head. He could feel Kazunari's eyes on him, but he forced himself to continue. "I mean, you don't have to-- it was only a suggestion! And you don't have to stay too long. Just a few days. Or as long as you want. You can say no--"

"Satoshi." He felt a hand on his cheek as it lifted his face to look at Kazunari. His heart felt like jumping out of his chest, and he couldn't breath. Kazunari smiled. "Thank you, but I don't need to. I'll be back home today, and whether or not my father is angry is up to him. And if he lashes out--"

"But--" Satoshi began.

"And if he lashes out then I have to let him," Kazunari finished grimmly. "He's my father, and he has every right to treat me any way he sees fit."

"But Kazu--" Satoshi froze when he was suddenly aware of a pair of arms around his shoulders. When he took a deep breath, he could smell Kazunari, and in all honesty, he smelled good. Calm and relaxing, actually. And the arms around him didn't feel weird either. It was as if they had been this close their whole lives.

"Thank you for looking out for me," Kazunari whispered trying to hold his tears in. "Thank you."


"So," Kazunari said as him and the other four men stood on the mountain. "You're leaving."

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