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This book contains information that might be triggering for readers. It contains sexual and physical violence, eating disorders, nudity, rape, and gun violence. Read at your own risk.




Jade's Pov

Feeling the wind in my hair and the wood scent running through my nose was my favorite thing ever. It made me feel like I was free and away from all our problems.
"Jade! Where are you?" My mom called out.
I let out a giggle and crouched my six-year-old self behind the tree. I put my face in my hands and waited for her.
"I found you!" She exclaimed and scooped me up in her arms. She put me down as we made our way back to my dad through the tall redwood trees.
"Momma, you're so pretty," I giggled and she smiled at me.
"Thank you. You are very pretty as well," She said.
"How do you have purple hair and I don't?" I asked her. Her hair was black, but the tips were purple. It was one of my favorite things about her.
"I got it when I grew up. Maybe your hair will change when you are an adult," She reassured.
"Well, we both have the same purple eyes!" I pointed out and she laughed.
"Yes, you do, and don't you ever feel ashamed of that alright? Don't let anyone bully you," She said and I nodded.
"Daddy!" I yelled as soon as I spotted him. He picked me up and kissed my forehead.
"Hey, sweetheart! Where did you run off to?" He asked and I pointed to a spot behind a tree. He shook his head and looked at my mom.
"You know you shouldn't be running away from us like that. Especially when we are out on our trips. We don't want anything to happen to our baby girl." He said. He set me down on the ground and I ran around in circles around them.
"Jade, will you please sit down? I want to give you something," My mom said and I sat down with them.
"I am going to give you this ring. Keep it close to your heart and we will always be with you," She took off the necklace that was around her neck and put it on me.
"I love you!" I tackled them in a hug and they laughed.
"We love you too sweetheart," My dad said and rubbed my back.
     We stayed there for a little while longer and then decided to pack up so we can go back home. There was shuffling in the woods behind us and my dad instantly went on alert. He motioned to my mom to hold me while he searched the place. I looked up at my mom confused, she smiled and caressed my hair. She pulled me close to her side and looked back at my father. Suddenly, three rogue wolves jumped out from behind the bushes and my dad looked back at my mom.
"Go! Now!" He yelled and looked back at the wolves.
My mom hesitated at first, but then picked me up and started running away from the scene. I looked back at my dad over my mom's shoulder. He shot me a small smile before he transformed and attacked the wolves.
"Momma? What's happening to daddy?" I asked as I looked at her. She had tears streaming down her face but focused her attention on the path in front of us.
"Jade don't look back okay? Focus on momma," She quickly looked at me and then back at the path. After a few minutes, she came to a complete halt and dropped to her knees.
"No," She breathed out. I looked up at her and she was staring at the floor. I felt something inside me snap and break. She let out a loud howl that frightened me and could probably be heard from a distance. Tears continued to fall down her face and she began to panic. I looked back and saw some shadows coming from a distance.
"Momma?" I questioned trying to get her attention. "someone is coming,"
She didn't move and I could hear the sound getting louder and closer.
"Momma!" I yelled and her head snapped towards me.
She turned into her wolf form and bent down to my height. I climbed as fast as I could and she began running away from them. I clung to her fur as hard as my little hands could. After a while, she began slowing down and she started whimpering. She stopped and I jumped off her back. She shifted out of her wolf form and hugged me.
"Jade listen to me. You are going to run as fast as you can when I tell you to alright?" She sat down trying to catch her breath.
"No, I want to be with you and daddy," I cried and she grabbed my face in her hands.
"We will be together again, but right now you have to listen to me, please. Keep running until you find another pack member okay? I love you so much don't ever forget that," She said and kissed my head.
"Why can't you come with me?" I asked her and she looked back to where the noise was getting closer.
"Once it's clear I will go find you. Remember the song I taught you?" She asked and I nodded. "Sing it whenever you miss me or your dad okay? I want you to know that we will always be there with you even if you can't see us," She looked down at her leg. There was a deep wound going down her leg and looked back up at me.
"Sing it with me," I nodded and she put our hands on her leg.
"Dear Evangeline, please repair what has been hurt, let my power go and fill the wound with glow, bring back before it's lost, before it's gone," We sang through our tears. I admired as the ends of her hair began to glow a little. Just like they always do when we sing the song. The cut healed in seconds and she smiled at me.
"You have to go now, Jade, before they get here," She said and I shook my head. She kissed my forehead and gave me one last hug. She stood us both up and put her hands on my shoulders.
"I will find you once it's clear. Now, please listen to me and go," She said and I turned around. I heard her shifting behind me and I turned back to look at her one more time. She was fighting off two of the rogues and I ran the other direction.
"We will find you. We love you so much. Never forget that" I heard her voice in my head.
I kept running until the noises became faint. I ran as far as my little legs could get me. After what felt like an eternity of running I collapsed on the ground. I pulled my legs up to my chest and began to cry.
"D-dear Evangeline, please r-repair what h-has been hurt-" a small sob escaped my mouth. "-let my p-power go and fill the wound with glow, bring back before it's lost, before it's gone"
As soon as I stopped singing everything was quiet. There was no growling or fighting. I was waiting for my mom to come back for me and tell me that everything was going to be okay. I felt something snap and break inside me and I let out a small howl of hurt and sadness. I knew that my mom and dad weren't going to come back for me. I laid back down and cried until I felt like I didn't have any more tears in my system. I began to drift off to sleep until I heard some footsteps running toward me.
"Momma?" I called out quietly. "Daddy?"
I kept my head down and waited for them to embrace me.
"Look! There is something over there!" I heard an unknown voice in the distance. The footsteps got louder and the ground began to shake a little.
"Is she dead?" Another voice asked.
"Let's hope not. We might've just found a good one for the Alpha" I felt myself being lifted off the ground and then I passed out.

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