Chapter 32

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Jade's Pov

   "Gamma Caden! Nice to see you again!" One of the men stood up and said. We got to the building with loud music and It was full of people sitting outside drinking a couple of beers.
    "Joe! Drunk already?" Caden asked and they laughed.
   "Of course not, you know I can handle way more than this" Joe said and turned to look at us.
     "Oh hey sorry didn't see you there. My name is Joe nice to meet you." He extended out his hand and I stared at it for a few seconds. I shook it awkwardly and he laughed.
   "Are you girls new here? What are you doing with Gamma Caden? He might just get you in trouble" He laughed and I smiled at him.
    "They are new to the pack we are giving them a tour of the city," Lance explained and Joe looked at Ayden.
   "Alpha" He bowed and Ayden nodded. Every time someone did that, Ayden became very awkward as if he didn't like it.
    "Would you girls like a drink?" He asked and I shook my head.
   "We are underage we don't drink beer," I said and he laughed.
    "I meant water or coke. I would not offer beer to new pack members. Well, at least not in front of the leaders" He said. I heard Ayden growl and I turned to look back at him.
   "Hey, guys! Meet the new members of the pack!" Joe yelled to the group trying to cut the awkward tension. They all waved and some of their eyes lingered on me too long. It made me feel uncomfortable. Ayden stood beside me, once their eyes landed on him they quickly looked away.
    "You girls are welcome here any time. Joe's snack shack" He said and pointed at the sign above us.
    "What is that?" Skylar asked and pointed at something in someone's hand.
   "That right there is a pickle. Would you like one?" Joe asked. She looked at the boys and then me. She nodded shyly and he went to go get one.
    "Best pickles in town." He said as he handed it to her. She took it out of the bag and took a bite of it. Her eyes lit up and we laughed.
    "This is very good!" She took another bite and Joe nodded.
     "Whenever you want to swing by we are always here" He smiled at her.
   "Joe, if you don't mind we are going to continue the tour. We might swing by later" Ayden said and Joe nodded. He led us away from the store and we walked to a different place.
    "I don't like the way they were staring at you. Don't come back here alone" Ayden linked me.
   "But he said we were always welcomed. I doubt they would try anything. They already saw me with you. They won't go against their Alpha"
    "Trust me, my dad had to break up a lot of fights between unmated males that had the hots for the females in heat."
   "Does that happen often?"
    "Only when the mates are too scared to commit. It doesn't happen as often as you might think"
   "Where to next?" Skylar asked.
    "Just down the road is a beautiful fountain in the center of the city. A lot of people come here." Lance explained. We turned the corner and just as he said there was a beautiful, tall, lit-up fountain in the middle surrounded by lots of people.
   "Wow," Skylar said in admiration.
    "I know. Come on" Lance said. As we walked by some people were staring at us.
   "Do you guys not come here often?" I asked.
    "Yes, why do you ask?" Caden asked and we continued walking.
   "Because everyone stares at you as if you were celebrities or gods" I laughed.
    "Celebrities not really. Gods? Maybe?" Caden smirked and we laughed. We got to the fountain and the water was splashing loudly.
   "It's so relaxing," Skylar said and sat on its edge.
    "I used to come here often," Caden said staring at it as if he was remembering a memory.
   "Then what happened?" I asked. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. He walked away and Lance shrugged.
    "He doesn't like to talk about it much," he said and I nodded.
I sat on the edge next to Skylar and watched the children play on the side.
   "Everyone is always on the streets having fun." I smiled.
    "How was it over there?" Ayden asked.
   "We don't know. We weren't allowed to go out but we heard stories" Skylar explained and he nodded.
    "No more talking" Ayden's voice rang through my head.
   "Alpha Ayden! Nice to see you around here!" An older lady said as she walked over to us.
    "Ava! Nice to see you how are you doing?" Ayden smiled and stood up. He hugged her and then turned around to look at us.
   "Oh, Lance how are you?" She said and walked over to him. He stood up to hug her as well and she turned to look at Skylar and me.
   "Oh my, aren't you two the cutest things I have ever seen," She said. We stood up and smiled at her.
    "Ayden, don't be rude introduce me," She said and he laughed.
   "Ava, this is Jade and Skylar, they are new members of the pack. Girls, this is Ava, she was my mother's best friend" He said and I smiled.
    "Nice to meet you," Skylar said and extended her hand. Ava pulled her into a hug and she laughed.
   "Sorry cutie. I'm a hugger." She walked over to me and examined all my features. I smiled awkwardly and glimpsed over at Ayden.
    "You are such a unique, good-looking girl. With beautiful eyes might I add. Ayden is a lucky one isn't he?" She pulled me into a hug and I looked at Ayden confused.
   "Uhm, Ava she is just a member. No connection between us" He said nervously.
    "Please, don't try that with me." She pulled away and I gave her a shy smile. "We don't want people to know yet huh?" She winked at me and laughed.
   "How did you. . .?" Ayden asked and she scoffed.
    "Ayden, I've known you your entire life. I can see the way you look at her in adoration from a mile away. Plus I have not seen that smile in months" She teased and he smiled again.
   "No one knows yet so if you can keep your voice down please," He said and she playfully slapped his arm.
    "Don't tell me what to do child. Of course, I won't be yelling it out" She commented sarcastically and we laughed. "Nice to meet you, Luna" She whispered the last part and I laughed nervously.
   "Sorry, I'm not used to it" I tugged a piece of my hair behind my ear.
    "Get used to it. Once these people find out who you are, you will see it all the time" She said.
   "Anyways, I just wanted to come to say hello, but I must get going now." She commented as she hugged everyone goodbye.
    "Don't be afraid of him or becoming Luna. You will do great. You'll warm up to him, just give him some time, he's a good boy" She linked me and I nodded. She smiled and caressed her thumb on my cheek before walking away.
   "What did she say?" Ayden asked.
    "Don't worry about it" I smiled at him.
   "I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat"? Skylar asked.
    "Don't you worry about that! I got it covered!" Caden appeared out of nowhere with bags in his hand.
   "Please don't tell me that's food from that 'and more' place?" Ayden groaned and Caden nodded excitedly.
    "I got food for everyone! Let's eat" He started handing out food to all of us as we sat by the fountain and began eating. The food was very good. It was greasy but good. Probably one of the best meals I have ever had.
    "Caden this is delicious!" Skylar exclaimed and he laughed.
   "I told you. It's the best place here" He said cheerily.
    We continued eating as we watched the kids play and people chat. This pack city was amazing. I have only seen a small part of it but it was already better. I do think I can be Luna to them. The people that I have met already accepted me except for Christina but she isn't that much of a worry. I want the pack to accept me as their luna. Now I just have to tell Ayden later.
   "Let's go already," Ayden said and stood up.
    "Why do you want to go home so soon?' Skylar asked.
    "I wanted to talk to Jade about something" I looked at him confused and Caden laughed.
   "Talk to her or do something to her?" He asked. Ayden glared at him and rolled his eyes.
    "Do you guys want to stay here? I wanted to leave already" He argued. I looked over at Skylar and she shrugged.
   "Are you okay staying with them here?" I asked and she nodded.
    "Take care of her or I will hurt you both" I pointed at Caden and Lance and they raised their hands in defense.
   "You sound more like Ayden" Caden groaned and I laughed.
   "I'll send the Suv to take you when you're ready," Ayden said and they nodded.
    "Let's go," I said and we walked away. We walked back to the Suv in silence. There was a moment when I wanted to hold his hand but there were too many people around. We finally got to the car and he opened the door for me. He quickly went around and got on the driver's side. The car ride back to the packhouse was silent. It wasn't uncomfortable just peacefully silent. Once we got there we got down and went straight to his private office.
   "Don't you get tired coming up all the way here?" I asked, we were going up to the final floor passing people along the way as they exchanged confused looks as to why we were together. We got to his office and he shut the door behind us.
    "What did you want to talk about?' I asked him. He led us to the couch and sat us down.
   "Are you okay? You were quiet the whole way when Ava mentioned the Luna thing. Does it bother you that much?" He asked. I turned to look at him and he had a worried look on his face. I grabbed his face and kissed him. He wrapped his arm around my waist and put me on his lap. I straddled my legs around him and deepened the kiss. H pulled away and put our foreheads together.
    "Do you want to try something?" He asked.
   "Something like what?"
I sat up and looked at him. He had an amused look on his face and he looked adorable.
   "What if we go down to the training room and you try shifting again?" He asked and I nodded excitedly. I got off his lap and he stood up.
    "Don't worry, we can finish this later" He placed a kiss on my lips and he got out of the room. We left the packhouse and got to the same training center from last time.
    "Now, you will have less pressure without everyone being here." He said and I nodded. "You got this. Relax and focus" He left me in the middle and he stepped away to the side. I closed my eyes and began to concentrate.
    "We are trying this again? Okay," Sara's voice rang through my head. I pictured her like the first time I saw her in my dream. Big gray wolf with purple. She appeared in the center of my mind and she nodded. I felt myself getting pulled back and I heard something snap. Although, this time I didn't feel any pain. It was there but it was bearable.
   "Jade, how are you doing?" I can hear Ayden but I couldn't see him anymore.
    "It's working!" Sara exclaimed. I heard some things snap and break until it finally went pitch back. After a few seconds of peacefulness, I opened my eyes. I was in a dark room and then a light came in. I could see Ayden looking at me. I didn't recognize the look on his face. I didn't know if he was scared or impressed.
    "Did it work?" I asked him but he didn't say anything.
   "He can't hear you," Sara said.
    "Why can't he?"
   "Because we are on wolf form. He can only mindlink us." She said and I looked up in awe.
    Does this mean he was seeing Sara instead of me? How am I supposed to communicate with him? He was looking down at me which means I still wasn't as tall as him even in wolf form. My sight and hearing were being shared with Sara which means she controlled what we do. She bowed down to him and he walked over to us. He petted my head and I leaned into his touch.
   "Hello mate," His dark voice said.

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