Chapter 38

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Ayden's Pov

"So Alpha Ayden, will you explain why you would urgently call an Alpha meeting? What was the emergency?" Alpha Alex questioned.
The room was filled with about ten different Alphas, including their Betas and Gammas. Alpha Roy was laying back and looked uninterested to be here. He had declined to come, but I told him it was necessary for him to attend.
"I got word that one of the Alphas is mistreating girls in his packs and treating them like slaves," I said and the room filled with gasps. Alpha Roy cleared his throat and sat up straight in his chair.
"Alpha Ayden, making false accusations without proof can result in punishment," Alpha Mike commented.
"It's not false." I slammed my hand against the table. Some of them glared at me and I cleared my throat. I turned to look at Alpha Roy who looked like he was about to shit his pants.
"Alpha Roy has been kidnapping underage girls for over twelve years. He mistreats them, doesn't feed them enough, and sometimes sexually abuses them." I growled and he looked around nervously.
"Oh come on! Do you really think I would do that? What kind of Alpha do you think I am?" He laughed. The fact that he tries to deny it makes my blood boil.
"They weren't from your pack! You took them and force them into it!" I yelled and he growled back at me. My fists balled up into fists and he smirked.
The hatred I have for that man keeps growing. If it weren't for everyone else here, I would tear him to pieces for what he has done.
"I think Alpha Ayden here has gone off the rails. Maybe the rumors were true." He replied.
Some of the Alphas mumbled in agreement. I couldn't let this backfire on me this quickly. I cleared my throat and addressed my attention to everyone else.
"A little while ago, I rescued two girls from his pack that were being abused right before my eyes. One being my mate. Luna of my pack." I growled.
Alpha Roy looked like he wanted to blow up, but he knew he had to stay calm so he wouldn't look suspicious.
"This is true, I was there" Alpha Alex commented. Some other Alphas nodded in agreement and Alpha Roy laughed.
"That was a big misunderstanding." He stated and I growled.
"How do you explain the bruises and malnourished shape they were in when I first got them?" He sat there not knowing what to say and I knew I had him right where I wanted. "Or what about the silver and wolfsbane they had running through their blood slowly killing them."
He turned to look at his Beta furiously who was looking down at his hands. He looked around in the room of Alphas and smiled. No one said anything for a few minutes.
"He's lying! He probably did that to them and called this meeting to accuse me of something that I didn't do!" he pointed at me and I let out a small growl.
"Do you have proof of this Alpha Ayden?" Alpha Alex asked and I nodded. I reached over to the copy of the papers in front of me and passed them down.
"These are medical records of, Skylar Windsor and Jade Brooklow, the girls I saved from his pack," I said. They examined the records and Alpha Roy's eyes went wide.
"Jade? You didn't even take a Jade. See I told you, Alpha Ayden is lying about all of this and faked all of these documents" He threw the papers on the table and I shook my head.
"Alpha Roy believes I rescued Skylar and Rose. Rose faked her name and age the whole time she was living with him for her safety. Once the girls turned eighteen they would mysteriously disappear. If it weren't for her lying about her real age and name she would've been dead." I said through gritted teeth.
"Nice control, thank you for not losing your temper and embarrassing us,"
"Don't get your hopes up. That son of a bitch is getting on my nerves." I replied to Milo.
"Alpha Roy is correct this isn't enough proof. Do you have anything else to show us?" Alpha Mike said as he shoved the papers away from him.
I nodded and motioned at Caden. He stood up and brought a young couple in. Alpha Roy recognized them and growled. They bowed their heads and I stood up.
"No submission, they are here to testify against Alpha Roy. They want to explain what they have seen in his pack." I said. Alpha Alex motioned at Alpha Roy to stop.
"Would you please like to explain the incidents you have seen?" I motioned to the couple and sat down.
"There were times when we would see Alpha Roy, Beta Alfred, Gamma Richard, and other male members mistreat the girls in the kitchen." The young man, Dilan, said. His Mate, Josie, nodded in agreement and winced.
Caden got up ad handed her his chair. She was very pregnant and I'm pretty sure her legs were killing her. She sat down and sighed. Caden grabbed another chair and sat back next to me.
"What kind of incidents?" Alpha Roy questioned harshly.
"We would see them get very uncomfortable when one of them was near. You would touch them inappropriately, yell at them for the smallest things, and sometimes make them cry." Josie continued. Alpha Roy growled and I glared at him.
"Was it only with the girls in the kitchen?" Alpha Alex asked and they nodded.
"Alpha Ayden, the girls you rescued, they were working the kitchen the weekend of the full moon party is that correct?" He asked and I nodded. "I clearly remember Rose helping me and my mate helping us up to our room with about fifteen other girls,"
"We also thought it was weird how the girls were helping with everything. They were afraid and shaking." I said. He pinched his chin as if he was trying to remember something.
"They were malnourished and obviously nervous about something" He added.
"They were volunteers! Of course, they were nervous, they are young girls. They wanted to impress everyone and didn't want to mess up. They aren't malnourished, only young" Alpha Roy laughed trying to find a solution to all the problems.
"Why did you only take those two girls that day? Why not come back for the rest when you found this out. The full moon was about two or three weeks ago" Alpha Mike asked me.
Alpha Mike and I don't have a good history between us. I am not surprised he is siding with Alpha Roy against me on this.
"That night I only caught them abusing these two girls. I don't have the authority to take all of them. It's not easy to take members from another pack. Which is why it took time to gather enough information against him to do this." I said. He smirked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"This bitch is going to be the reason you kill someone tonight," Milo said.
"What else did you notice?" Alpha Alex asked the couple.
"They were working the kitchen every day. It's weird because I never saw them outside the packhouse let alone the kitchen. I tried asking one of the girls once if they needed help. She freaked out and ran away from me." Dilan explained.
"How dare you come in here and disrespect your Alpha this way! How dare you lie about all of this!-" Alpha Alex stood up and cut off Alpha Roy.
"Enough!" He yelled and the room got silent. Alpha Roy huffed and sat back on his chair.
"I think this is enough proof to show-"
"No! Alpha Ayden could be lying about all of this." Alpha Mike yelled at him.
"You can't just yell out like that!" I pointed at him and he growled.
"Caden get them out of here. Bring in our next guests." I commanded.
He led them out of there and went to get the next people. He brought in two older ladies and they sat down on some chairs.
"What is your statement?" Alpha Alex asked and sat back down on his chair, glaring at Alpha Mike and Alpha Roy.
"One of the girls admitted to us. What they would do to them behind closed doors. How they would abuse them until their bones broke, didn't feed them, and let some of the male members grope them." One of the ladies explained.
"Which girl said this?" Alpha Alex asked.
"Her name was Mindy. She disappeared the next day. Never saw her again." My fists were so tightly clenched my knuckles were turning white.
"Why didn't you say something about it?" He asked her.
"The girl was terrified to admit that to us. We thought if we said something she would get in trouble but she still disappeared." The other lady said. I turned to look at Alpha Roy. His breathing was heavy, he had a panicked look in his eyes.
"If that's not enough proof or you think I made them say all of that I have one more thing," I said and they nodded. Caden got them out and went to go get the girls.
"Please be calm, as soon as any of you feel uncomfortable please link me and I'll get you out of here." I linked Skylar and Jade.
All the Alphas were quiet, I could tell they were contemplating all of this. Alpha Roy looked like he wanted to kill me. Trust me he won't be able to lay a hand on me. The girls walked in with a petrified look on their faces and I stood up.
"Alphas, this is my mate and Luna Jade Brooklow." I wrapped my arm around her waist and brought her close to me. "This is her best friend Skylar Windsor. They were in Alpha Roy's pack for twelve years."
"In the medical records, they were described as underweight, really pale, and very malnourished. From what I can see these girls are perfectly fine" Alpha Mike smirked and winked at them.
"Once we go them here, we took them to our pack doctor. Apparently, they have never been checked by a doctor before. We drew blood and those were the test results. Since then we have been feeding them better. We gave them medicine and vitamins. This is why they look healthier." I explained and they nodded.
"So what? These girls were on a diet. I tried feeding them and they wanted to be skinny. It's not my fault they changed their minds and wanted to eat better here." Alpha Roy shrugged. I felt Jade stiffen up beside me and my grip on her waist tightened. "I always cared for the girls right?" He growled at them. Skylar whimpered away and Jade looked away from him.
"Jade, nice to see you again, looking better now." Alpha Alex smiled at her. "I think this is enough evidence to show Alpha Roy's abuse." He said and most of the others nodded.
"If you aren't completely convinced, I have some pictures of how we looked when we first arrived," Jade spoke up, she sounded very confident, but I could still hear the shaky voice.
She turned to look at Lance and he handed his phone to her. She swiped around for a bit and sighed. She looked up, gave me an apologetic smile, and handed me the phone.
There were photos of her and Skylar when they first arrived. They were so thin you could see their bones, and their skin as pale as snow. They were almost unrecognizable. My grip on the phone was so tight the screen shattered a bit. I handed the phone to Alpha Alex and he nodded.
"This is the Jade and Skylar I met at Alpha Roy's party," He said. Alpha Roy snatched the phone from his hand and growled. It was passed around and everyone was so disgusted by what he did to them and the rest of the girls.
"I want to get those girls out of his pack and welcome them into mine," I demanded and Alpha Roy stood up.
"You cannot do that! Those are my pack members!" He yelled. I scooted Jade behind me and Skylar was standing behind Caden.
"Alpha Roy, all this evidence is enough for Alpha Ayden to remove any of these girls from your pack. You have broken one of our most sacred rules. Mistreating and abusing underage girls is forbidden. He has the authority to take them away." Alpha Alex announced. "You did enough damage to your pack today and more,"
"What do you mean and more?" Alpha Roy asked. By the look on his face, he knew what Alpha Alex was going to say next.
"This evidence proves that you are an unstable Alpha. We will have to strip you of your Alpha title effective immediately." The other Alphas nodded their heads in agreement.
Holy shit. It will be better for his pack. He growled loudly and his claws came out. He launched over the table but got stopped by other Alphas.
"The more you do this the more evidence comes to show us how unpredictable you are." Alpha Alex said. Alpha Roy was struggling under their grips and I stood in position just in case he came my way. He calmed down and huffed.
"This is bullshit. All this evidence is made up. Your mate made all of that up so they can get rid of my title. Who will lead my precious pack now?" Alpha Roy argued.
"We will figure that out later. Beta Alfred and Gamma Richard your titles will be stripped as well. Later we will decide whether or not to place a new Alpha or dismember the whole pack." Alpha Alex said.
"The whole pack will be split up" Milo gasped and laughed. "That's what the asshole gets"
"You're going to split families up?!" Alpha Roy yelled, "Because of your lying bullshit you will be splitting everyone up!" He yelled and pointed at Jade. She stood beside me and I held her back.
"No, because of your years of constant abuse of title you will be splitting your whole pack up Alpha Roy," She shook her head and glanced around the room. Her eyes met his again and she leaned forward a bit. "Oops, It's just Roy now."
I smiled at her and kissed her head. I don't know where she gets this burst of confidence but I have to say, it turns me on.
"I'm going to kill you lying bitch!" He launched at us and I stood in front of her.
"Roy enough!" Alpha Alex yelled and he stopped fighting. "Alpha Ayden, you have permission to take the girls today. We will go to his pack and ask them where they want to go. The Sapphire pack is officially broken. It will no longer exist" Alpha Alex announced and I smiled.
"We won!" Milo cheered.
"We will be heading out right now to go pick up the girls," I said and he rolled his eyes.
"Do whatever the fuck you want with those strays." He spat at me and I growled. Jade placed her hand on my arm and I looked at Alpha Alex.
"Thank you," I said and he gave me a nod.
"Meeting dismissed, thank you Alphas for coming as witnesses to this devastation." Alpha Alex shook his head and everyone stood up.
"Everyone can see themselves out I have pack members to go save," I said and turned to look at Jade.
She had the biggest smile on her face which made me happy. Finally, she can rest knowing the girls will be okay with us.
"Let's go save our people," She said and I nodded.

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