Chapter 4: Jungkook.

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“Taehyung I'm fine don't worry and sorry for not accepting your calls earlier but I hope you are taking care of yourself too, it's been a very long and busy day at the office and well i-i um miss your hugs I guess. I know you are going to be all cocky after you hear this but yeah I don't care anymore, just come back soon because I miss you Tae” I ended the voicemail with a sigh. I didn't had the courage to talk to Taehyung knowing that I was still confused whether to tell him about this or not. I don't believe he would have trusted the fact that I saw Jeon Jungkook myself but even if he did trust me then he would never let me stay behind or accept my decision.

I choose to stay not because I was worried about my job or money, even though that was definitely a factor that supported my choice but majorly it was because I genuinely wanted to help this unknown man. The moment I closed the door myself he wasn't their any more, he stepped away again but I knew that he was smiling and happy. Maybe he was happy for the first time within all the years he spend alone within this walls. So for now I kept this as a secret until I figure his story out, at least for now even though I knew in the upcoming future I had to confess the truth to my friends and make them believe in what I experienced.

“It's just um 6 pm right now and I know that you can't show yourself up right now because I don't know I think I read in some blog that paranormal activities are strongest during 3 or 4 am and not in the evening but anyways I know you are listening to me because” I pull my cardigan closer, thumbs fidgeting with the knitted corners as I look around the empty living hall “Because I can feel your presence anyways I am Y/n and you already know where I work so yeah. Can't believe I'm introducing myself to you like this but I'm sorry if I'm awkward but I'm just a bit embarrassed rather than being scared which I am too but something is stopping me from running away from you and that something isn't negative I believe. Anyways I enjoy to read and I like to sing too and um yeah nothing too special about me.”

I must be looking like an absolute moron talking alone while looking at the scenery paintings hanged all around but somewhere deep inside I knew he was listening to me. I just wanted him to feel like I was doing this help for him as a friend or as a human and not because I felt bad for him even though that was one of the reasons but still I just wanted to make him feel sort of close to me at least to a point where we don't see each other as a stranger so that I could help him “I know your story but I'm sure media just turned it against you I mean how come they know everything about Namjoon from the tea brand he preferred to the day he went to his son's baseball game but for you? nothing.”

“I have two close friends Yoongi and Jimin, um they are like a couple so yeah. You must have seen them since they were here last weekend and they'll be here again since yeah, they are the people I love the most but don't worry I won't tell them about you but just so you know even if they come to know about you, they'll definitely try thier best to help you so yeah” I awkwardly place the phone down that rested on my lap earlier, he wasn't going to respond but still I wanted him to just show it from even a minute little action that he was listening.

“I need to get my work file down before this weekend some how” I mumble to myself before getting up and rushing upstairs to grab the file I left a week ago. But before I could even climb the stairs my eyes fell upon the same book from earlier that was open once again even though I remember closing it earlier, knowing who's work this was I rush over it wanting to see what he wanted to say this time. “Angel” is all what the page said in bold italics, a little underline underneath it from the add perhaps an aesthetic touch.

A smile unknowingly crawls up to my lips, “Angel” I whispered once again to myself before fidgeting with the page a little and then pulling out the thin cloth book mark that must be brown earlier but now turned black and place in between the page to keep the track of this special word. Closing the book with a satisfied feeling I finally head upstairs, “You still haven't told me anything about you though Jungkook, you know I need at least the basic information about you because seems like the internet hates you or maybe the media was just too hungry for money.”

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