Our Little Family

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Manga Spoilers!! Takes place after the defeat of Muzan and when they are adults.


Y/n walked to the Butterfly Estate that was now run by her old friend Kanao since the death of Shinobu a few years ago. Y/n had been feeling sick lately and her husband was gone at the moment and didn't know of this, so she took it upon herself to go get checked out. She knew Tanjiro would scold her if she didn't. 

She walked into the estate and entered Kanao's office. "Y/n? What brings you here?" Y/n sat down in a chair, feeling exhausted. "I haven't been feeling well lately, you think you could check me out?" Kanao smiled. After evaluating Y/n, Kanao asked Y/n, "Are you sexually active by chance?" Y/n flusteredly said that she and Tanjiro have done IT(i can't keep serious..). Kanao looked down sadly, but quickly recovered. 

"Y/n, I think you're pregnant!" Kanao seemed excited, but Y/n could see the sadness in her eyes. Y/n knows Kanao likes Tanjiro, and felt sorry for her. But Y/n could never give him up, even if it was to make a friend happy. Kanao hugged Y/n and congratulated her.


It has been a day since Y/n discovered she's pregnant, and she was having tea with Nezuko on the patio, as Zenitsu, her husband, was inside. "Hey, Nezuko-chan? I have something to say, and I swear it's exciting. Or at least I think it is.. I hope Tanjiro thinks it's exciting... What if he's not ready for this news?? What if-"

"Y/n! Whatever it is, I'm sure he'll be fine. So, what is it you want to say?"

Said girl fidgeted with her hands and spoke quietly to her sister in law. "I'm.. I'm pregnant!"

Nezuko paused for a moment, wide eyed before a big smile replaced the shock. "Congratulations!!! I'm gonna be an aunt! Y/n this is wonderful news!!" Zenitsu bursted out the door. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Yep, he heard. 

"Guys, please don't tell Tanjiro! I want to tell him myself.." Zenitsu and Nezuko agreed, and then Zenitsu screamed again and pointed behind her. "Tell me what?"

Y/n turned around and was face to face with Tanjiro. She looked back at Nezuko who nodded in encouragement. She turned back to Tanjiro with a newfound confidence, and was about to tell him before he interrupted her. "No welcome home?" She smiled and threw herself on him in a hug, but pulled away after a moment. 

"Tanjiro, I'm pregnant." He looked at her for a moment, "I'm gonna be- be a dad?" He then smiled widely and hugged Y/n tightly. "I'm gonna be a dad!!" "We're gonna be parents!"

"I can't wait for our little Family!"

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