Your POV

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You opened your eyes to the early morning sun, covering them with a groan when you realized how early it was. The sun's rays had just begun peeking over the horizon, coloring the sky in a vibrant array of warm colors.

Your husband, Bruno, had been gone for a week already and he was supposed to arrive later that day. He had left with Felix and some other men for a neighboring village, kissing your swelling belly and lips before heading off. Felix had to practically drag him away from you, he was so reluctant to leave you and your unborn children (triplets, Julieta had told you excitedly when she felt three heads).

You were only weeks away from your due date, feeling the size of a small planet. Your family had been extremely supportive of day-to-day tasks, but you dreaded the nights when you had to sleep alone. You had been a bad sleeper for years, but things had seemed to get easier once you and Bruno had begun to share a bed. Being in his arms eased your soul, and you couldn't wait to be back there where you and your children belonged.

Knowing sleep was now out of the question, you stretched and rose from the bed. One of your babies took that moment to deliver a powerful kick to your stomach, sending you stumbling across the floor. Casita responded in turn, making the floorboards shift to balance you and keep you from falling.

"Thank you," you whispered, receiving a happy creek from the wood of your home.

After washing and dressing, you made your way to the kitchen. Mirabel, a natural early riser, was there at the top of the stairs waiting for you.

"Buenos Dias y/n! Casita told me you were awake." The girl beamed at you and took your hand to support you down the stairs.

"Buenos dias; you know you don't have to worry yourself with me, I can still walk just fine," you smiled back, grimacing when you felt another kick.

"It's alright, besides, Tio Bruno made me and the others promise we would be there for you, with him gone and all and your due date so close and everything."

"I really do appreciate it, Mira, I just—OOF" You lurched forward, nearly falling down the last couple steps. That kick felt like all three of your children had collectively agreed to it at once.

"Y/n!" Julieta appeared out of the kitchen and hurried towards you, taking your free arm. Mother and daughter helped you to your seat. You avoided looking at your husband's empty chair next to you. If you did, the tears threatening to spill would surely fall. You didn't want to draw any more attention to yourself than everyone was already giving you, at the risk of seeming ungrateful if you asked for space. Really, the only person you wanted around you was your husband, but he was who knows where at the moment. You had to be strong now.

"I don't want to leave you alone," Bruno had told you, holding you tight.

You laughed, wiggling in his arms to kiss the top of his nose.

"It's only a week, and when you get back you can make it up to me!"

His green eyes glittered at you, filled with mirth and devotion. You loved his eyes.

You lifted one hand to cup his cheek, he had shaved recently and you could feel the scratchy stubble growing on his soft skin. He closed his eyes and leaned into your touch.

"I don't want to wake up in the morning without you," he opened his eyes, "I don't want to be where you aren't."

Your eyes welled with tears, and you couldn't blame it on the pregnancy hormones this time.

"I don't like being without your father," you spoke softly to your bump, rubbing it, "but he'll be back soon, and we can finally rest easy. You'll love that, won't you?"

You felt a kick against your palm and two more against your womb, as if your children were voicing their agreement. 

You sighed and leaned back in the chair as the rest of the family trickled in. Antonio insisted on taking his uncle's empty seat, one of his capybaras taking his.

"Want to see the stuffed animals I made for mis primos? Mirabel helped me make them!" He beamed up at you as you readily agreed. Besides you and Bruno, Antonio was the most excited for the new additions to the family.

Over breakfast, Antonio chatted away. You tried your best to nod along and answer his questions.

Yes, the babies can safely play with stuffed animals.

Yes, you can feel them.

No, they can't play with your jaguar until they're older.

However, you had to also stay alert to Abuelita as she inquired on your health and eating habits (you were doing your best, but she was insistent you weren't eating enough meat). You were jolted every so often by Mirabel periodically touching your shoulder, offering you juice, milk, water, whatever you wanted. The rest of the family were chirping like birds, at least Pepa was in a bright mood...literally. You weren't sure you could patiently handle an outburst from another person.

You felt pricklier by the moment, which was ridiculous since you loved spending time with your family and they were bending over backwards to assist you just...

Today, your skin felt too tight, your ankles were swollen, and you'd rather be with Bruno alone than with anyone else right now. You needed to be somewhere quiet and shady, maybe to rest for just a moment by yourself before Bruno and the babies arrived.

A thought burst into your head, and you decided then you would go out that day.

If the family noticed you were more quiet than usual, they didn't say anything. That is until after breakfast when Julieta gently put her hand on your shoulder and told you to go rest.

You didn't need to be told twice!

Wobbling around, you gathered a blanket, a water canteen, and some bread and cheese. Luckily, everyone else was busy and didn't notice you sneaking out the door. You would be gone for an hour, tops. It was fine.

Making your way through blooming trees and bushes, you finally came to a clearing. In the small field bloomed tall grass and wildflowers. To your right, a gurgling stream where your favorite tree to lie back against was standing proud and tall, birds singing in its high branches.

You had been coming here ever since you were a child, and even only had shown Bruno a couple times. While more outgoing than him, you still needed space every once in a while, and this was your special place.

Laying out your blanket, you did your best not to tumble onto it and instead kneel ungracefully, placing your sore back against the tree and looking up into its branches. You sighed, enjoying the sounds and smells around you.

You didn't even notice you were nodding off until you were already asleep.

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