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Dear Journal,

I am so happy today, not because I saw her again, and not because she was looking really beautiful, like always. Even mum and Gemma noticed the sudden change in my behaviour. They asked the reason behind the smile which was threatening to make it's way on my lips but me being me, said nothing. I even talked a little during the dinner. Dad choked on his food as he heard me taking which I found funny.

I'm happy because she saw me today. She even smiled in my direction.

I thought that she was smiling at someone else but there was no one else in the cafe except me, her and an old couple. After stalking, no not stalking, observing her for so long, she finally noticed me. I wanted to smile back but I froze, my mouth hung open. She diverted her gaze back to her coffee, maybe because she thought that I'm a weird person.

Or maybe because I'm not a good-looking person. Like who would want to look at someone like me. Even I can't stand the sight of me in the mirror.

But back to her, her smile could light up a thousand lives, I'm not even kidding. I felt like a normal person when she looked at me, maybe because for once, all the violent thoughts in my head vanished.

Her phone rang, and she left without looking at me but I'm happy as she knows that I exist. I have high hopes for tomorrow.

I can feel the medicines kicking in as I'm really sleepy now.


H .x


Chapters will be in Harry's POV unless stated otherwise.

I wanted to write a book where Harry is self-conscious so here it is.

I apologise in advance for all the spelling and grammatical mistakes in the upcoming chapters as I'm way too lazy when it comes to proofreading.

I'm so excited to start this book.

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