ch. 1

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A/N just to say this is just for fun and my writing ain't the best... call me Sam

My Pov

I was just writing fan fictions about mha when suddenly, something showed up on screen.

( Travel to your mha fan fiction?Yes/No)

Because I don't value my life, I pressed yes and now I'm here. Hi! I'm Sam, an ordinary almost 13 years old girl with an addiction to fan fictions,block games and always regret my life choice like now. I'm in a fcking fanfic I want to write.

I'm in the middle of the street.. yup! gonna go to the ally way and I walked into it casually. But then- two villains... why me? wait wait wait.. I am God.

Quickly, I got out my phone and typed something about permanently erase their quirks and BAM! Both of the villains can't use their quirks, so what did they do? run. Cowªrds, I thought.

I think since this is my book, my rules. I can make myself God- Oh right I'm already one. Good for me :)

Hmm... I'm just gonna *writes something down and instantly know all the knowledge of an 18 years old* Yup, now- *Applied U.A* I'm soo smart. I should make a name for this "quirk" (even tho it isn't, gotta be careful with dadzawa)

I will name it God

I don't regret a single thing. I'm obviously not going to write that it's my quirk or else it's gonna become one.. I still have 9 months... I'm gonna look for the cute cinnamon! I gave myself Minecraft powers and chugged down an invisible potion and *writes down tp location* Ah the be- trashed beach.. Poor Izuku.

When I'm visible, I went closer and saw Izuku lifting garbage to garbage, looks hard to be honest. But it's the revolution of the cinnamon! There I also saw Yagi (aka All Might) watching over Izuku so I decided to say hi.

Me: Hi! What's your name? I'm Sam!

Iz: I uh my name is Izuku Midoriya! N-nice to meet you too! *bows*

Me: No need to be formal! I saw that your picking up trash.. that's very kind of you!

Iz: Thank you Sam!

Me: so what's your quirk?

Iz: I uhh-

Me: it's fine! you don't need to tell me! My quirk is something I named "God"

Iz: e-eh?! What's it like?

Me: To me, this world is a book and I'm the author

Iz: That's so op!!

Me: ikr

Now, Izuku just kept rambling while Yagi looked at me.

Ya: so you know I-

Me: Yes

Ya: o-kay.. mind showing me?

Me: sure..

I then wrote down something about giving me wings and they grew out if my back instantly.

Ya: that's a great quirk young Sam! You will become a great hero

Me: Thanks Yagi. I actually like these wings imma keep them..

Iz: Sam kun... you know I'm quirkless?

Me: Yeah so?

Iz: so... is it possible to make anything happen?

Me: Yes

Iz: even healing All Might's injury?

A/N New writing style? Yes. Anyways thanks for reading this :D means a lot and I really like it :) If this is good feel free to vote. It's free and it helps me a lot. Enjoy the next chapter :)

~THE GOD~ mha x Author/OC (aka me)Where stories live. Discover now