Chapter 2

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Classes went well, and I only ran into Enzo once, other than our first encounter

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Classes went well, and I only ran into Enzo once, other than our first encounter. Thankfully I was able to get out before he could say anything. 

Me and the group are now waiting to get lunch, as Rome meets up with us and we head to one of the tables.

"Shit Neveah that really you?" I turn around and see Xavi, Bella, and Al.

"Xavi, I missed you big guy" I say hugging him

"Awe I missed you too. You're really back?"

"Yeah, for a while at least."

"What we don't get a hug?" - Al

"Come here you big baby" I saw while hugging him.

We were really close friends before I moved away with my mom.

"Do the rest know?" He says pulling away, referring to my brothers

"Umm yes and no, it's kinda complicated right now" I say

"Oh and these are my friends, Layla and Marcelo" I say introducing them

"Hi, nice to meet you guys"

They do their brief introductions and we sit down to eat.

"So, have have you been over the years?"

They know about my family situation because our families are close, but I don't think I'm ready to tell them yet.

"I've been good, I've stayed with some family in San Diego for a while, it was pretty good. That's where I met Layla and Mar" I say briefly, not technically lying.

"That's really cool, I always wanted to go there" -Al

"How's your mom, is she here too?" - Xavi

I instantly tense up.

"Uhh she actually passed a few years ago" I say not wanting to say any more.

"Shit Nev, I'm so sorry I didn't t know. "  Xavi says apologetically 

"It's alright. Can we talk about something else though?"

"Okay! Sooo, any cute guys you back home." - says instantly making me giggle but I stop when I feel a presence behind me.

"Umm Neveah can we talk, please?" 

Fuck. Me.

"Uhh I'm actually kinda busy now," really? That's the best you could do.

"I know umm, but can we? It's been a while, we umm we missed you" - Leo

"It's been 9 years Leo, you didn't bother finding me then, I'm sure you won't bother waiting a little longer"

"Neveah we just want -"

"Look man, she doesn't want to talk to you right now, and rightfully so, so just go, will you?" - Mar says interrupting Enzo

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