Neveah Rose Moretti
9 years ago she was framed by the enemy, and accused of murder by her family.
9 years ago her mother took her away to protect her.
What happens if now, she's back in the town where it all began?
Hurt, betrayal, regret, love
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About 20 minutes later, Milo lazily comes downstairs
"How come you're up so early?" he asks me.
"Just couldn't sleep" I shrug back to which he gives me a bullshit look back, but nonetheless drops the topic and reaches for some coffee instead and hands the mug to me.
"You look like you need it" he says and I flick his forehead but accept the drink
"What time's your flight?"
"In 4 hours" he says and a frown overtakes my face.
"You sure it's okay if I don't drop you off?"
"Dude, the airports like 20 minutes away, and if you miss school after last night tio might fly out here next to make sure you're okay" he brushes off
"Have you talked to Dom recently?" he asks me.
"Not since he left for Spain" I say and he gives me another look
"What?" I ask
"Just think you should, I can tell you're not gonna talk about yesterday, and that's fine, but I'm here if you need anything" he says and I nod in response.
We ended up spending the rest of the time talking about the most random stuff we could think of before he had to leave for his flights and I had to leave for school.
After a short while, I pull into the dreaded parking lot and begin heading toward the gates, where Roman, Enzo and Leo and talking about something.
Roman makes eye contact with me, and abandons the conversation as he walks Suddenly
"Neveah mother fucking Moretti" he says as he walks up to me with a glare.
I'm gonna die.
Someone buy me flowers.
I want white roses at my funeral
Basic but okay
"Hai idea di quante volte ti ho chiamato ieri sera?" he says in Italian and I can tell I'm fucked
(Do you have any idea how many times I called you last night?)
He only talks in Italian when he's angry or if I'm lying.
"Lo so, mi dispiace ma non li ho visti fino a stamattina e ho pensato che ti avrei visto solo a scuola. Sto bene. Promettere"
(I know, I'm sorry but I didn't see them till this morning and figured I'd just see you at school. I'm okay, promise)
"Stai sempre bene. You did you-know-what with you-know-who and took him to you-know-where. -" (you're always okay)
"Who told you?" I ask cutting him off and i can see his eyes widen for a second
" I won't reveal my source."
" your "source" as you called it is literally only two people, three if you count you-know-who"
"whatever, it doesn't matter, stop changing the subject, I know you're avoiding the question"
"you didn't ask a question" I say.
"Vieni a scuola con i postumi di una sbornia, sembri un fantasma, conosci la mia domanda"
(You come over to school hangover, looking like a ghost you know my question)
"look I know you just told him you're okay, but seriously, you look like you got run over by a truck"- Enzo pipes in.
I have nearly been run over by a truck-
Not today, but in general
Roman instantly makes eye contact and gives me a 'don't you've laugh look' and I turn to face Enzo.
"Yeah, I'm fine just didn't sleep well last night." I say
Roman's eyes find my own again before I realize I fucked up.
"Ha vuelto a pasar ¿no?" He asks me in Spanish this time and my eyes soften.
(It's happened again hasn't it?)
I'm sorry.
"No lo ha hecho, lo prometo, pero el insomnio ha sido un dolor más grande de lo habitual últimamente".
(It hasn't, I promise, but the insomnia has been a bigger pain than usual lately.)
You're lying to protect them
"Nev I don't think -" he begins but gets cut off by Leo.
"you've insomniac?" - he asks before we turn to him with furrowed brows.
I almost got a whiplash-
I swear none of my brothers speak Spanish. How the fuck?
"what? It's the same word in English" he says, realizing we're looking at him like he's grown 3 heads.
"Uhh, yeah I have been for years" I say.
Really need to change the convo before you out yourself.
"Does anything help? Sleeping pills?" Enzo asks
"Look I really don't want to talk about this- " I say
"Right, sorry, you don't have to answer that, Nev" - Leo says with a softer expression, before he elbows his twin.
Suddenly, Roman's eyes widen again as he looks behind me.
"Please remember I'm the only Morretti you don't hate right now so you can't kill me" he rushes out.
"First of all, that's not true, I have Zio, but what the fuck did you do?" I ask as I feel another person approaching us.
The person comes up to my brothers before yelling out.
"I missed you fuckheads" he says as Enzo pull the guy into a bro hug, responding back