Chapter 3

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It's been a few hours since the fiasco at school, and now me and Layla are waiting for the guys to come back with some food

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It's been a few hours since the fiasco at school, and now me and Layla are waiting for the guys to come back with some food.

"So, I know you don't wanna talk about it, but how did it go with your brothers?" Layla asks

"Honestly, it just went to shit, they pulled their apology and expected that to just fix everything."

"So, we still hate them?" she asks.

"Oh definitely. It's gonna take a lot more than an apology for me to even start to trust them " I say

"But there's a chance?" She asks

Honestly I'm not sure. Do I want to give them I chance, maybe? But am I willing to risk everything I have now? 

**Ding dong**

"Rome, it's open" I yell from inside

**Ding Dong**

"Okay so not Roman,"

"So it's either Amazon, or we're about to get kidnapped again" Layla says as I get up to open the door.

And shit, shading in my doorway is Giovanni, fuck, he looks so much like dad it's kind of scary.

He looks at me with a sympathetic smile as I scoff and slam the door shut.

The door rings again and I make sure to have to emotions in my face before I open it.

"Uhh hi" he says

"Gio what do you want?" I ask

"You have a nice house" he says

"How did you find it?" I ask, and he seems taken aback by my tone.

"I- fuck- I had a whole speech planned but now that's all gone out the window. I - Neveah I know it was selfish of me to come here, and that you don't want to see me right now but I couldn't sit at home knowing you were 10 minutes away. I'm so fucking sorry Nev for everything, for not believing you, for not finding you sooner for everything you've been through. I get that I'm 9 years too late to even be having this conversation but please, just please, please say something"

"What do you want me to say Gio, that I forgive you? I don't.The last 9 years were hell, hell that you and the others caused. You never once bothered to call or text, never bother to see if we were doing okay, hell if we're even alive" I say back 

"I know and believe me if I could take it back I would. We though that we protected you by staying away, that-" again I cut him off

"Protecting me? You though I'd be safer living in some run down apartment in the middle of nowhere with mom, than a mansion filled with guards at every gate? I didn't need protection then, I sure as hell don't need it now" I say as I see Roman and Mar pull up in the driveway and head toward the door.

"I heard about mom" he says, regret clear in his tone

"Yeah, I'm sure you did."

"Do you live alone?" He asks concerned

"Does it matter?" I ask

"Neveah you're 17, you shouldn't be living by yourself"

"I don't, I live with my friends, is that enough for you? " I say

The boys now walk up the the front door, Mar's eyes not leaving Gio, who instead turns to Roman.

"You really knew this whole time?" He asks Rome

"If by 'knew' you meant that I gave a shit about my cousin during those 9 years then yes, I knew"

"Neveah I know we've fucked up in the past, that I've fucked up, but please, you're my only sister, all I'm asking for is a chance. And I know it doesn't mean anything, but I really am sorry, about Dante, about what we did that day" instantly I tense at his words.

"Look Gio you should go" Rome says sensing my current state. With that, he leaves but not before giving me a last glance while heading to his car.

As soon as everyone is inside, I slam the door shut and head to my room. Engulfing myself in the warm covers. 

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