Quirkless! Oh no! Oh Yes!

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Twice did you hijack the title or do something to it? *no answer and cricket noises* ok then on to the story I guess *shrugs*.

Izu's POV

Aizawa-sensei had sent all of class 2A on a scouting mission only. And warned that there will be consequences for disobeying as last year was proof of disobeying but they were for the right reasons. We were all split up into different teams. Kaminari, Tokoyami, and me. Bakugo, Todorki, and Momo. Uraka, Tsu, and Hagakure. Anoyuma, Satuo, and the perverted grape. Sero, Iida, and Kouda. Mina, Kirishima, and Jiro. And finally Ojro and Shoji. We all split up to cover more ground in said teams; to find the villain and any guards if they had any in this place. And half of the teams I didn't plan so mostly randomized but if you think about them; they could actually work even though I randomized them

Me and my team mates were walking around with dark shadow covering us from the back and our blond spots. If too many members went down we all agreed to meet out front again and think about what to do next. We've been walking for a while and it's been silent but then we all heard screaming and ran towards that deriection. When we got to a closed set of doors. Tokoyami went further down away from the door to let dark shadow see what was going on inside.

3rd POV

What dark shadow saw inside was Mina, Tsu, Shoji, Sero, Satuo teams all on the ground knocked out. The room was already damaged seeing as some groups were caught off guard when entering. Bakugo and Todoroki were fighting against the villain while Momo was moving everyone else out of the fighting zone.

Tokoyami went back to his team mates and they made a plan. As quitely as Izuku could he opened the door sneaking in with the others right behind him getting into their positions. Kaminari far away ready to move, Tokoyami and dark shadow above in the shadows waiting to attack. Izuku getting Bakugo and Todoroki out after they fainted from their hard battle the villain put up.

Izuku then went to distract the villain while Kaminari created an electric dome for his electric terrain. After the dome was created and while Izuku was distracting the villain. Tokoyami jumped down onto the villain and had dark shadow restrain him. Kaminari then made a rope out of electricity and tied him up.

I know this isn't cannon in the manga or anime. But it could happen Kaminari controls his quirk that he can make objects or animals with it. Which ever comes first.

D: uhm charge bolt will we be able to leave this dome soon? And what does the rope do?

Cb: the rope goes to the lowest paralese so he can't move. Unless the villain has some high electric tollerance.

T: well it seems like they do. Says before being knocked out by the villain and thrown against the dome.

Cb: ooooo that's going to hurt some. I didn't have the voltage up to high just to power up my electric moves. *then aims a thunderbolt at the villain who escaped the ropes*

The villain gets hit but shakes it off with some static still on them. The villain then starts to run at Charge bolt for a close quarters combat battle but Deku intercepts them taking Charge bolts place. They fight for a while exchanging punches and kicks and static coming into play but not long enough for Charge bolt to land a hit.

But the next static that hits is longer than the other ones. And Charge bolt uses volt tackle on him. The villain gets paralyzed for about a minute but then charges at Charge bolt faster than expected knocking them out. The villain then turns to talk to Deku.

V: so you know when this dome will go down? I thought it would go down once he *points at Charge bolt* was knocked out.

D: no but I think it goes out on its own accord.

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