Chapter 3

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It's now Wednesday, And all the friends slept roughly in their rusty old bunk beds, in fact

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It's now Wednesday, And all the friends slept roughly in their rusty old bunk beds, in fact. This is the first time that one of them slept in a real-life prison cell. Who knew people in prison get to live in this boring routine. No electronics are allowed and half of your everyday activity has been done here.

Anyways, Grace was the first to wake up, but without any clock attached to the wall, she doesn't know what time she woke up. She walked around her tiny cell and decides to lean forward in the bars.

With two eyes peeking from the others. Layla, Tyler, and Stephen are still deep asleep. With her knowing that they are knocked out of their dreams, Grace didn't want to bother their moment.

The door from across the cells started to open wide and yielded a rusty noise throughout the opening. Reaching out at the cells, a policeman tried to wake everyone up. "rise and shine gen z's!" The man called out to the group.

And made everyone roused. With their body feeling drowsy, they blended their ears to the cop's announcement which will make them very delighted.

"Seems to be your lucky day" The cop then reaches out his left pocket and revealed a key to their stalls. 

"What do you mean?" questioned Tyler.

As the policeman walked near each of the stalls, he respectfully unlocks their cells.

"You're letting us out?" Grace budges in.

Apparently, the cop told them that Perry had dropped their case. And that they are being set free. 

The others were divested for a moment, but to have a clear answer, Grace refreshes the cop's announcement, and to their surprise, there were no errors in the alert. As the cops talk more and more about the happy news. The others are now out of their cells.

"You may head on upstairs now, but before you all go, Officer Armstrong wanted all of you to go to his office" The cop then placed his arms on his waist and said the direction on where they can meet Armstrong.

"Thank you, officer" Stephen thankfully hailed him.

The officer then leaves the four of them, to continue their meet-up with officer Armstrong. With a powerful memory, they manage to locate the office, the office felt industrial, when they walked inside, they admired the area, all though it was a diminutive room, the awards of the station were perceptible to gaze, every corner has awards that calculates the chronology of the station's existence.

"Please take a seat" Officer Armstrong is a 26-year-old man and had an Australian accent that made everyone in the room feel rookie talking to an Australian.

"My friends and I were told that we should meet you," Grace told Armstrong.

Armstrong felt heavy talking with the gang.

The reason why Armstrong called them is that he wants to talk more about the crime last Monday, the group told some very honest answers and not made the conversation more suspicious for him and every question got more solemn.

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