Chapter 5

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It is the last day until the weekend arrives

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It is the last day until the weekend arrives. There are countless activities that we can do during the weekends, play sports, hang out with friends, spend time with our family, go on a stroll at the mall, paint, go to a museum, or just stay at home and binge-watch movies. 

But Grace, Layla, and Regina's day became even worse when another victim got targeted by The White Grin. Stephen Dell.

"This is all my fault," Regina told Layla and Grace while sitting in the waiting room of the hospital. The air conditioning breezes in their sweaters as the room began to silence. The three of them sat beside each other in the center of the room while they patiently wait for Officer Armstrong's presence.

"It's not your fault Regina, If I saved Harley right before The White Grin attacked her... then this will never happen to all of my friends," Layla said as she tucks herself tighter into her sweater.

Grace didn't have much to say, so she sit still in silence, when time flew Officer Armstrong had entered the lobby, and with his shoes clomping on the floor, the girls approached him earnestly. They walked to a private room and started to emit what happened.

The room was vacant, there was no furniture around. Only a room with windows scattered on every wall. "Let's start this interview"

After hours of interrogating, Officer Armstrong repeatedly asked the girls for the second time. "So... this whole murder scheme happens every day?". "Correct... which means... one of us is next" Grace responded. "No... I can't die! my future is waiting for me!" Regina couldn't resist complaining.

"Regina, it'll be okay... you're not gonna die-- will stop him as a team, right guys?" Grace faced her in a calm matter and so were the others as they shook their heads.

Regina slowly soothed down her temper and listened back to Officer Armstrong, "Now... we cannot let The White Grin target the three of you" "Then where would we hide from him?" Regina asked him. "Here, in the hospital" 

"Ohh... and one more thing girls and I know this is a lot to say even for me but... I'm dropping out of the team." Armstrong breathed heavily with a despairing face of his.

The girls were shocked to hear it from him, but Armstrong knew that it would be best. Knowing that he'll be moving out of town to meet her mother from Greece. And by this heartbreaking news, the girls respected his decision as they embraced him with pleasure. 

In the lobby of the hospital, the three of them watched Armstrong leave, with him walking straight the girls waved goodbye... "Bye Officer Armstrong!" the girls said. "Please, call me Christian!" he said while he smirked at them and continues to hop on his car. Soon he drove off to his next destination, the airport. 

A few hours have gone by and all the girls are in the lobby, Regina is reading her textbook, and Grace seating properly thinking of her friends. "Hey what's wrong?" Layla comforts her. "Nothing much, I just missed Perry, Tyler, Morgan, and Stephen... I wished they were never dead." Grace said it in sorrow. "To be honest, I missed them too. Especially Stephen..." Grace looked at Layla with a stunning glare. Layla finally told the jawdropping truth "Haven't you noticed? I like him."

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