1: I'm covering my ears like a kid

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I feel a little light headed with the situation that I'm in right now. I feel like I'm in a parallel universe right now. This doesn't happen in a life of a normal human being like me. Does he know who I am?

"You have a boyfriend? He's your boyfriend?" he said, obviously not believing the scenario. I want to say to his face 'yeah, I don't believe it either' But this guy beside me answered for me. "Yeah, you got a problem with that? Let's go babe" he told me and I was once again inside the cafe. I swear I heard Bradley mumble 'but he looks gay'

"I'm sorry to butt in but I saw your face, you look sad" he told me. And he reached for my hand. "I'm Louis by the way.Don't worry, there's no malice intended, I wanted to help you. and I have a girlfriend, she's on her way actually. What's your name?" he asks. Can he read mind as well?

"Wendy, I don't mean to look like I suspect you, it's just that your face is familiar to me. Have I seen you somewhere?" I asked him. and he just chuckled and asked me to stay for a while, while he waits for his girlfriend who's currently studying in Manchester as well.

"Tell me about that twat." he told me before he huffs on his cigarette. "Bradley? Well he's my ex boyfriend, but it was a long time ago. It was the first time we saw each other again. He left me, and acted as if we're not together. I was still in sixth form, but the heartbreak was real" I told him.

"Ahhh, young love. Before I joined the X-Factor, I had a girlfriend. We ended things well, but there's still hurt. Hurt can never be prevented. He cheated on you, didn't he?" Louis raised his eyebrows at me.

"Maybe? I never heard from it after that. I made myself preoccupied after that. and he was our star player in football, he was a busy boy back then" I said to him. I remember how stupid I was when I watched one of his games after we broke up. I saw him being smitten with Michelle, a football player as well.

"A football player huh? I am a football player myself. Does it still hurt that much?" he asked.

"It hurts more than it did before to be honest" I honestly said to him. I don't to shed another tear, so I am trying my very best not to cry.

After a minute of awkward silence, I glanced at Louis who was waving at a girl, maybe it's her girlfriend. "Love, I'm right here" he said a little louder for his girlfriend to hear. Ah, nice. Third wheeling at its finest.

"Babe, meet Wendy. Wendy this is my girlfriend, Eleanor" he said, I reached for her hand but she pulled me in for a hug instead. "I don't shake hands. Louis texted me earlier, are you quite alright?" she asked me. I just looked at my new found 'friend' who was grinning like a kid beside his girl.

"I guess so, I mean, it's not a part of my daily routine to bump into my ex boyfriend, but I can live with that, I should get going, I think I'm late. It was so nice meeting you two. And Louis, thank you for helping me. I owe it all to you" I told them. How can they be so genuine and kind?

"No worries love, here's my calling card. Just contact me whenever you need any help. I'll punch your ex boyfriend if ever I see him again here" Louis called out before I left them.

It's weird, but at the same time really an exciting experience for me. After I left them, some girls are already crowding them. Some of them are following me, luckily, I got inside my car faster than I could ever imagine.

After that moment in the cafe, it was a normal day for me, not 'til I got back from the building I live in.

"Wendy?" a familiar voice called out for me. I turned around, smiling at her. "Oh it's you! I thought I'm just seeing things. You live here as well? How come I don't see you here?" Eleanor asked me, she was about to enter our building, just like I was.

"What floor are you?" I asked her.

"8th floor. I live with my friends. What about you?" she asked back. "Oh I live on the 12th. and I live alone. Have you eaten dinner?"

She clapped her hands before she can even answer me. "I would love too! My friends just texted me that they're on their way to bubble dog place. But I just ate there last night. And Louis' on his way to Glasgow tonight, so I'm a loner. I'm glad you're here!" she said enthusiastically. She offered to drive on our way to a pizza parlour, and take note, I haven't heard of that place. I always lived my life inside my flat, no wonder she never saw me, and I never heard of Fat Joe's Pizzeria ever.

"I'm always alone these past few days, I can never have time with my friends, it's hard to balance your time when you have a boyfriend who's a popstar, when you run for honours in uni, and when your friends are always out in the city" she told me. and she pouted after she talked.

I can never imagine having a famous boyfriend. I had a hard time being Bradley's girlfriend back then, I don't even want to know how she handles it. But I see in her that she really is a genuine person.

"What do you do when you see his fans?" I asked her out of curiosity, she smiled at me before she answered. "I'm trying to be me as much as possible, they love Louis as much as I love him. and they're pretty adorable and their dedication is unbelievable. I was a fan of One Direction before I became Louis' girlfriend."

That's it! One Direction. I forgot where I saw Louis, I'm such a knob head. I tried so hard to recall where I saw him. Eleanor saw me grinned like a girl with a kinder egg on her hand,in return, she looked at me as if she's weirded by me.

"Oh, we're almost there. You'll love the place I swear. I know it's a little far, but I really missed eating here." she said and suggested some food that we can get there. How can she be so comfortable with me when in reality, I just met her this morning? Oh English people and their kindness.

We talked about things that are by far interesting. Until one topic brought out one of Louis' band members.

"You should meet him! I swear Louis will be so thrilled about my idea." she giggled at her own remark.

"Please don't. He will not like me and I'm sure of that" I told her and she tugged my arm. "Don't be silly, he's a really nice guy. Nicer than Louis" she chuckled once again.

"I don't know, let me think about it.But please? Don't tell Louis about your 'clever idea' I don't know if I can even handle being in front with boys. I am a klutz and I don't know what I'll do when I see another one" I joked.

She sighed in defeat and we talked about other things, but she still tried to insert Zayn in our conversation.

The ride back to our building was quite short, because there's no traffic.

"I'm telling you, he'll love you in an instant" she told me before we entered the building.

"La la la. I'm not listening to you, see? I'm covering my ears like a kid" I told her and once again, she chuckled and hugged me.

"That's Zayn's favourite song." she told me before she pressed 8 and 12.

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