College Troubles

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Hey loves! This is my first oneshots story, I hope you enjoy. - Author~kun

Henry's P.O.V:

Making my way from the dorms, rushing like there's no tomorrow. My wavy light orange hair flowing through the wind as I run, the round glasses on my freckle filled face sliding down my nose as I dash to the courtyard. I'm on my way to see my girlfriend, Jessica; we've been together for three years. This is the day I'm going to ask her to marry me! I hope all goes well.

Reaching my destination I spot her in the distance, standing below the cherry blossom tree. I love the way the petals fall around her, but not even one seems to land on her. I identify there is another being beside her, they seem to be having a conversation. I hide myself on the other side of the tree and listen in to what they're saying.

"So, you wanted to talk to me?" the unknown male beside her states. He had greasy, dark chocolate hair, piercing blueish eyes that become a grey colour when the light hits it just right, and a tall, slightly muscular build, yet thin, about 6'0 in height, yeesh he's tall, but good looking... more attractive than I am to say the least.

Jessica holds out a letter, her face looks flushed. Is she blushing?! "I LOVE YOU WILLIAM!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing, my girlfriend confessed to another guy! I tried to hold back my tears after what I just heard, still staying behind the tree to continue listening. "Don't you have a boyfriend? Henry was his name? Wasn't it?"

My jaw dropped to the floor. How does he know who I am? And was that accent British?! Jessica looks panicked, her eyes darting left and right looking for a way out of it. So, just to end this quickly I come out from my hiding place. "Do I really mean nothing to you?" I ask, tears streaming down my face, looking at my once beloved girlfriend as she tries to come up with an excuse.

I can feel the man named William staring right through me. He knows that I'm holding everything back, because if I let loose... I would break into a million pieces. "I-I can explain!" Jessica yelps trying to convince me it is not as it seems. Large pools of tears run down my cheeks, anger all over my face. "There is nothing to explain, were done get out of my sight" I yell at her, so she puts on the good girl act and runs away bawling.

"I can't believe her, I trusted her... I loved her." Was all I could think as I run back to the dorms, but I feel a large hand pull on my arm. Stopping me in my tracks, I turn facing a tall figure that looms over me. My eyes look up to see a pair of sparkling grey orbs gazing back at me (curse my height of 5'5). I feel my face heating up, am I blushing?! No, I can't be, he's a guy!

"Hey. Um..." William pauses, pulling me towards him. Surprisingly I had been pulled into an embrace. "I'm sorry," he whispers into my hair holding me tightly in his arms. My tears staining his shirt as I cried. I don't even know him and here I am crying in his warm embrace. He hushes me with his sweet, deep, and rich voice holding me, rubbing circles into my back. "This is nice," I thought.

No one's P.O.V:

Henry lets go of William's embrace, getting lost in his eyes again. "So, uh... I should get going," Henry speaks up wanting to go back to his dorm. "Alright, see you later... Mr Emily~" Henry whips his head back around to face William with a slightly disturbed face. "How do you know my name?!" Henry demands creeped out by the fact that this stranger knows his name. William just smirks, wearing a dark smug look on his face. "We all have our secrets Henry, you have yours and I have mine." William walks away leaving Henry in shock and confusion.

Time skip--------- back at the dorms

Henry's P.O.V:

I'm staring at the ceiling as I'm lying in my bed, contemplating on whether I should get up or not. I take a whiff of my shirt and gag. "I smell awful! I definitely need to shower," kicking my legs off the bed sitting up, I stand to go bath. Honestly, it's only been a few hours since the incident this morning, but just looking at my reflection... I'm a wreck. My eyes are red and puffy, my clothes are all crinkled and raggedy, and overall, I look like shit. It's my senior year to, I'm a shitty low life who's meaningless. I guess that's just what break ups do to you.

I exit the bathroom refreshed and clean. Looking down I sigh at the embarrassing sight that is my gut. Holding my stomach words start to fill my head. Disgusting, fat, ugly, you could never be as good looking as him. The whispers of the voices got louder and louder circling in my mind then... BANG! Suddenly silence filled the room. I look at my hand, the familiar crimson liquid dripping from my knuckles, which was followed by something hitting the floor.

My gaze turns to what must've fallen after I had punched the dresser, but what had caught my eye was the sparkling diamond ring I had planned to give Jessica that morning. Tears trickled down my face, leaking from my emerald eyes to the floor. "Why me..."

Sitting on the ground, holding my wounded hand all I could possibly think about was Jessica and how she betrayed me. Then my thoughts started to linger, imagining how William held me after the breakup. I didn't even know him all I knew was his name and his appearance. His gorgeous eyes, his million-dollar smile, his strong and tall figure straddling my waist.

"God, I wish William would hold me again, mhm he's so gorgeous!"

"That can be arranged my love~" 

"William, what are you doing here!?"

Word count: 1000

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