Chapter 13

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"So where is it?" Troy asked.

"Only part of the device is here, the rest I'm not sure." The creature said. "You can find the part in an abandoned factory not far from here."

"Thanks." Dan said, walking away. The rest of the group followed.

"We could've figured that out ourselves." Mike said.

"Of course we could." Buddy said.

The group headed to the location of the abandoned factory and started searching for the piece they were looking for. Eventually, Mitch found a box full of parts.

"Is that it?" He asked, putting the piece in the light.

"It looks right." Felix replied, looking at the piece.

"Let's go to the next place and find another piece!" Hugo cheered triumphantly. He grabbed the portal device off of Hugo and pressed the button. The machine opened a portal and they hopped through it.

"This place is nice." Jax said, looking around.

"It's too outdoorsy." Ben said.

They were now in a massive forest with nothing but trees for miles.

"There's no way there's a piece of a portal device here." Ben F said.

"Let's stay hopeful and try to find it." Jack suggested.

The group began searching the forest for anything remotely out of place. They eventually reached a large mountain that was making strange noises.

"It sounds like wind if it had a sore throat." Dan said.

"Not helping." Mitch replied.

They began climbing the mountain until they reached a small stream.

"This place is weird." Mike said.

"It looks very territorial we probably shouldn't be here." Hugo said anxiously.

"Oh shut up." Jax said, annoyed.

They continued up-mountain until they started hearing howling.

"We definitely shouldn't be here." Troy said.

"It's just the wind." Scott said.

They kept going until they saw wolves.

"We should go." Jack said.

"Stop talking and go!" A voice said from behind them. They turned to see a brown wolf looking at them. "Are you gonna listen to me?"

"Shoo!" Luke yelled.

"I'm trying to help you. You need to go now or the wolves are going to eat you!" The brown wolf said.

"Why are you helping us?" Mike asked.

"Just go!" The brown wolf said. The group rushed down the mountain until they reached a cave to hide in. Moments later, the brown wolf followed them inside.

"Why aren't you eating us?" Buddy asked.

"Humans aren't exactly on my dietary list." The brown wolf said.

"What about dogs and cats?" Felix asked.

"Nah." The brown wolf replied. "Deer are more my thing."

"What are we supposed to do?" Hugo asked.

"Just stay out of sight of the other wolves and you'll be good as gold." The brown wolf replied.

"Are there any spies?" Ben F asked.

"Spies? None that I know of." The brown wolf replied. "You should get some rest, you look tired." The wolf left.

The group decided to sleep it out until the next morning before they did anything.

The next morning, the group were awoken by the brown wolf.

"You need to go." He said.

"Why?" Mike asked tiredly.

"They're coming." The wolf replied.

"Who?" Ben F asked.

"The other wolves." The wolf replied.

"Where do we go?" Jack asked.

"Umm." The wolf pondered. The group heard voices.

"I wonder what we'll find today." One voice said.

"Hopefully something better than deer." Another voice said. The wolf gulped.

"Just run!" He said. The group did what they were told and started running. They ran through the thick forest, over tree stumps, under low-hanging vines. They eventually reached a clearing and hid. After a brief moment, the voices were back.

"Nothing yet." One said.

"Didn't you say there were humans out here sometimes?" Another asked.

"Sometimes." The first replied. The group looked at one another.

"We're dead." Hugo panicked.

"Be quiet!" Jax hushed.

"Did you hear something?" One voice asked.

"Sounded like people." Another replied.

"We're definitely dead." Hugo whispered.

"Shush" The rest of the group hushed. The voices came closer to them until they pulled the bushes aside where they were hiding.

"Ah, fresh meat!" One of the voices said. They were wolves, exactly like the brown Wolf had said.

Mitch hissed at them which made the wolves chuckle.

"I don't want the crazy one." One wolf said.

Hugo got an idea and hissed as well, followed by Luke and the rest of the group.

"Looks like they're all crazy.." Another wolf said.

"Let's just capture them and let them hiss away then." The first wolf said.

The group got taken by the wolves and soon found themselves in a makeshift cell that was built into a small cave atop of the mountain.

"Why'd we let ourselves get captured?" Troy asked.

"It's gonna help us get out of here, trust me." Dan said. Troy looked at him as if to ask are you serious?

All of a sudden all of the wolves in the pack, which was quite a few I must add, gathered around the cell and sat down.

"Ok, let the questions begin." One of the wolves, the leader, said.

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