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Whoever is reading this story probably wants the epilogue already, and you'll get it! I'll upload this and the final chapter on the same day, so you won't have to wait for long. However, I couldn't let this fic exist without providing more information on what my headspace was like while I was writing it. This may be considered an author's note, but really it's an essay. Feel free to skip if that doesn't interest you, and feel free to disagree with what I write below. It's just an explanation.

On the matter of leadership, Kyuhyun and Leeteuk have such an interesting dynamic. Kyuhyun has a lot of respect for Leeteuk but is clearly frustrated with the way he handled and continues to handle things, so I wondered, "If we abstract this to a situation where a change of power has more at stake, who would win?"

I personally maintain that if Leeteuk and Kyuhyun went head-to-head in a real-life battle of charms where leadership is at stake, Kyuhyun would win, as he does in my story. His wit lands with more people; he sings better; even his recipes are more interesting. (I think the only kind of battle Leeteuk could win against Kyuhyun actually would be a physical one lol, but even then I'm confident Kyuhyun would make Leeteuk earn that W.) However, Kyuhyun's win would undoubtedly mean a loss for the whole, and that sentiment is what I aimed to convey through the epilogue.

I'm deeply aware no one asked for this, but interpersonal character studies of real-world people ahead.

This fic was borne out of the House Party Comeback Show BTS; SJ's House Party MV Filming OIV Parts 1 and 2; and KRY's appearance on ODG. In the BTS, Kyuhyun was all, "You don't think you could be in SJ anymore? Okay, bye then," "You're tired of this? I feel fine, though," and just generally affecting supreme callousness about members' concerns. While this is obviously a fake conversation with situations and reactions caricatured for humourous effect/for the camera, there is so obviously a grain of truth there. Kyuhyun is such a naturally independent and self-motivated person that the concerns of a larger group in times of immense crises may not have been met with as much calm-headed empathy as Leeteuk has been known to show.

The events portrayed in the OIV episodes are subject to much more interpretation. Kyuhyun condemned Leeteuk's old school manner of variety entertainment and mulish dedication to his nitpicky chef bit, empowered by the teasing and negative reactions of the permanent hosts. Especially held in conjunction with the extravagant and jet-setting lifestyle of Jackson Wang's segment, Kyuhyun's embarrassment (and dare I say, jealousy?) was evident. The ODG video lends itself to this interpretation as well.

I am not saying Kyuhyun is embarrassed by or embarrassed to be associated with Super Junior (at least, not any more than the average ELF is ^-^;;) . I suspect his emotions are more nuanced than that.

Super Junior was the biggest K-pop act in the world up until their 2015-2017 hiatus, and they continued keeping their image and personal branding relevant by participating in extracurricular activities such as acting and emceeing. Their collective branding suffered as a result, such that the KGP consciousness recognises the members as individual personalities but almost never within the context of Super Junior as a group, much more as idols. You can see it in the ODG video when the child he's paired with recognises Kyuhyun as a variety entertainer, recognises the name Super Junior, but doesn't recognise him as a Super Junior member. That cognitive dissonance is what causes Kyuhyun's shame, and that is why I have the initial argument between Leeteuk and Kyuhyun in the study rooted in a foreign relations problem for their kingdom.

Most members' variety personas almost entirely preclude their status as K-pop idols; so in settings such as the OIV episodes, Kyuhyun would probably prefer they highlight and showcase that facet in order to introduce a fresh dimension of their personalities to the KGP. Instead, Leeteuk dons this zany, chaotic, and self-effacing caricature that doesn't just dominate the majority of the episode but also sets an expectation for the other members' behaviour as well—cue Kyuhyun's disdain.

In response to this, I offer the following: Leeteuk knew exactly what he was doing.

Leeteuk actually does something similarly ostentatious in the House Party OIV Part 2, which I will analyse for the benefit of a diverse example set (though there are comparable conclusions to be drawn from his actions in OIV Part 1).

When Yesung was next to Leeteuk during hair/make-up, Yesung would have remained silent for its entire duration—resulting in less screen time—if it weren't for Leeteuk's overly repetitive persona he had adopted for the day. Not only did he guarantee Yesung's extended screen time; but in positioning himself as the personality foil, Leeteuk ensured Yesung was portrayed in the most positive, relatable light. The only reason this worked is because he was overdedicated to the impersonation and has been all day. If Leeteuk just did that all of a sudden, in the moment, it would have been too easy to write off. The beauty is that this whole scheme would have worked with anyone, and I fully believe Leeteuk knew that. If not Yesung, he would have targeted another member who would be hurting for screentime. It was member promotion with the ulterior motive of entertainment, and he executed the former so subtly that it would trick someone less familiar with how Leeteuk works into thinking it was a side-effect instead of the entire point.

Kyuhyun is indeed adept at creating entertaining television, and we all know he has no problems performing similar kinds of antagonism. However, if he did decide that would be his persona for the day, he has too much pride to set himself up to look bad the way Leeteuk did. Any orchestrated exchange of fortune for the purpose of entertaining television would have left him either with a marked benefit or breaking even. Sure, entertaining television accomplished, but at the knowing expense of your members? And if he had performed this with any frequency over the past 17 (at the time of this fic's publication) years? Talk about a toxic work environment. "It's not that deep. They'd just talk it out," you might argue, at which point I will refer once again to the callous caricature from the House Party Comeback Show BTS.

And that's not all! Leeteuk's bit additionally made for a more engaging—therefore lasting—impression, not just for himself but for SJ as a whole. In the age when idols must have a variety presence in order to maintain KGP relevance (a standard, I will point out, which SJ themselves set), it's no longer enough to simply be funny or fun to watch. You need to give people something to talk about, and Leeteuk did that. Even though it is so obviously contrived, that's peripheral to the impression people get. Instead, the hosts say stuff like, "Wow, you have strong personalities and managed to last this long?" which is the impression viewers carry with them even when the episode is long over. As he is now, Kyuhyun does not have it in him to pull off such a layered scheme.

Everyone loves citing the stealing-from-UKnow and the begging-not-to-pay-for-extra-sodas type stories, but I don't think enough people give credit to the subtle ways Leeteuk continues to be their leader now that they are all grown adults with successful solo careers that don't need Super Junior anymore. There's a different kind of leadership strategy one must utilise when there is absolutely nothing holding people to the organisation you're leading, and Leeteuk has been able to gracefully mature into this style by virtue of his persisting tenure. Not only was Kyuhyun a poor candidate for leader in their early stages, but he couldn't even serve as leader now.

We will never know what could have happened if he were forced into leadership as Leeteuk had been, but this essay isn't about that. It's about what we know of Leeteuk and Kyuhyun, past and present, and how it aligns with the position. Despite Kyuhyun's continued wish, it is a truth universally acknowledged by SJ and ELF that if our leader were anyone other than Leeteuk, we would have disbanded ages ago. I, for one, wouldn't have it any other way.

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