2. Intricate Joe

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I started to notice every little thing you did from the way you walked and to the people you would avoid. I found myself following the same route day by day just to come in contact with you. You have science third period in the class across. As my ears caught the bell chime for the announcement of passing period I rustled my belongings together rushing out. Just to feel the breeze of your presence past by me.
I dream of your fingertips gliding down my arm as my hand wanders down the near railing. I couldn't stop my mind from pondering around the idea of stroking your bare skin intricately feeling every scaled texture as I listen to every micro- footstep you make.
Suddenly I feel a drastic tug on my elbow as I took the the next step. I turn around in eye contact picturing your fingers sliding down every inch of my spine while you look directly into my eyes I want you all over me I whisper under my breath.
I intake into focus so hard that my foot trips. In embarrassment I sped down the stairs zooming to my safe place the bathroom while I catch my breath.

Lunch was the one place I got too see your dotted beaming eyes wander as I stare at you from across the room. You always immediately took a short stroll headed to the lunch line rarely actually carrying a tray back. I noticed your hard frustrated gaze while you stumbled back to your seat. I assume you go to scan the menu posted hanging at the edge of the wall.
You usually sat in that same spot everyday anxiously waiting for our timed lunches to be over. I glare at you from time to time from hoping you don't notice.
After a couple days of your drastic devastating disappearance I spot you ahead of me. I soon feel rapid pain rise in my veins and my blood begins to steam. My legs start to shiver I fidget with my hands on the verge of panic.
I don't know why it erks me this much. The thought of you knowing someone new brings me painful agony. I avoid making sudden glares toward you as I sit there anxiously.
The sensation still lingers after a couple of thoughts slip by like a parasite getting to know it's new fresh contender. And that's when I awakened into realization of what I truly felt for you.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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