Chapter 17 - Haunting Memories p.2

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Sophia's P.O.V

After the fight,we decided to return to our classroom and as per the school's rules I was called to the principal's office.Most of my classmates cheered for me for standing to the undefeated Madoka.I never even thought that my classmates were also bullied by her.

Hiromi,the girl who saw Madoka putting something on Azzreal's food walked closer to me.She was tearing up a little.

"I-I'm really sorry,Sophia! I got a little late for telling you.It's cuz I cannot find a chance to talk to might strike me" she apologized.

This time...I'm kinda terrified.

"Hey! Hey! why are you thinking like that! I'm not gonna hurt you! You see,I don't bite! haa...Hiromi-chan! it's not your fault and I'm sorry if you think I was a bit scary.I thank you very much for telling me"


"Yes really! If you ever need help of beating someone,feel free to call me!" I said and gently tapping her on the back.

"Aren't you the safest,Hiromi? You got Sophia on your back!" Clara came in too.

"Man,Sophia! you rock!" she said while forming a rocker's hand sign.

"I do?"

"Yes you did! and... the main problem is how you gonna face the aftermath?" she's talking about how I'm gonna face the principal and all the problems after the fight.

"escape,maybe?" I joked and we all laughed.

"Student Sophia Ackerman of 2-A,
please come to the Principal's office"
the speaker announced.

"Here it is guys! Let's wish Sophia the best luck for she won't receive severe punishment!!" Clara yelled.


"Sophia! remember this...all of us in this class are on your side...well,except for Madoka and her crews haha!"

"Thank you!"


And so,I walked out of the classroom and heading into the principal's office.After everything I have done,Azzreal never left me.He said he would escort me there and wait outside until it is over.

"Are you mad?" I asked.

"I am" he responded with such a deep voice.

"I'm sorry"

"I am not mad at you,Sophy-chan.I'm mad at the sin Madoka commited.I'm mad of the hate she felt for me.I don't understand why! Although I've vomited everything I ate,my stomache still hurts a little"

"Then,I'll just have to punish her more" I laughed.

"Stop that,violence won't solve anything! you two just need to apologize to each other" he said and that's what made me hesitate for a second.

"Huh? what? do you think a simple 'sorry' would solve everything? that's nuts!"

"I think so"

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