Jin was holding a pitcher of water and walking through the grass lane towards the field were Namjoon was ploughing the land.
His husband was all sweaty and tanned due to the scrotching sun. Jin felt proud and at the same time felt bad for his husband for doing so much for their family.
Sometimes he would feel useless, when he can't even help namjoon while he is struggling. But the older never complained. He won't let Jin do anything. He cared for him that much. Jin never regretted marrying this man.
By watching Jin coming. Namjoon stopped his work and smiled at Jin showing his dimples. Jin and Jungkook was the best thing that happened in his life despite sharing no blood relation. But they does now with his son and Jimin. The other two precious things in his life.
"Why do you have to come all the way to here in this sun baby?" Namjoon was worried.
"What? It's only a 5 minute walk. It's not like I have never been out in the sun. " Jin rolled his eyes and pointed the pitcher towards Namjoon who drank the water like there is no tomorrow. Jin felt really bad. Namjoon had to work a lot more to bring bread to their table as Lee's betrayed them.
"Where is beomie?"
"He is playing with the neighbors kids." Jin cleared his throat. He wanted to tell Namjoon a thing. That is the main reason why he came to give him water.
"What is it Jin? I think you have to tell something to me. " Namjoon raised his eyebrows at Jin. Jin gulped when Namjoon looked at him. He looked down, his fingers fiddling with nervousness.
"J-Joonie? W-why why don't you ask Jungkook to talk with Lee's-"
"Stop right there Jin. We are not asking anyone. He married our brother Jin, who was literally abandoned by his groom at his wedding day. Wasn't it enough? We can't drag him to our pathetic issues anymore." Jin can't see Namjoon hardworking like this. That is why he told Namjoon about this. He knows his husband was stubborn. Even if he is starving he won't ask anybodys free help. He works hard and earn everything.
"I can't see you struggling like this joonie. Now that we have one more human coming to our lives. " Namjoon Looked at him with a look that tells what do you mean? Jin was looking at his fingers that were playing with each other.
"I didn't get it Jin." Jin finally looked at Namjoon with a small smile.
"I think I'm pregnant joonie. It's been a couple of days I have been feeling nauseous. And like the last time the cattle fodder had me vomiting today."
"Are you serious baby?" Namjoon was soon hugging Jin with his whole teeth on display. He couldn't be anymore happy.
"It's not confirmed yet joonie. We should go and get checked at the health center near."
" Isn't the symptoms same as when you were pregnant with Beomgyu? Anyways get ready tomorrow in the morning. We will get checked." Namjoon patted Jins face lovingly, giving him a beautiful smile.
Jisoo rolled her eyes when her mom put two more pieces of chicken over her rice. Hobi looked at her eating with his hearty eyes like he almost was full watching her. It was dinner time. Jungkook and Jimin were eating there silently without getting that special two pieces of extra chicken.
Yoongi's parents smiled at how Hoseok was taking care of jisoo. They knew how much their son in law had missed jisoo these days.
"I wasn't starving there to feed me like a pig mom." Already she wasn't in any way feeling like to eat anything. Her heart was already left at Busan where Taehyung was. Her eyes would fill up if she happened to think about him
So gulping her throat she ate for her mother's happiness.

The 'chick' From The Village||JIKOOK✓
Fanfiction❝Was that your dad on the call?❞ ❝Yeah.❞ ❝What did he ask?❞ ❝He just wanted to know when I m coming back from your god damned village. I can't tell him I'm bringing a luggage with me, right?❞ Jimin scoffed at Jungkook. He knew Jungkook was mentionin...