♪The Unexpected♪

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"I am so fed up of that boy Jiminie. He is so flirty. I can't even breath infront of him and he still says I m cute. Like what the flower? Is my teeth so funny? He says I look like a cute bunny. Am I?"

Nayeon sat near Jimin with a sigh. It's been two and half weeks of their project and Nayeon is already feeling like quitting this. Jay is too annoying for her to handle.

"But I heard that somebody went on a date last Saturday" Nayeon swallowed, having a panicked look on her face.

" That-that wasn't a date. We just a-ate ice cream? Leave it what about you? I have been seeing you going with Wonwoo everyday to different places."

With an eye roll jimin replied.

"We are focusing on small businesses in Seoul for our project. We are planning about visiting five ventures. Of them we already visited three. Now one is left."

"Why didn't we thought about that? Jay and I selected kayoka business groups for our project. That's a bigger company in Seoul that have been established five years back." Jimin nodded his head impressed with his friends choice.

"Oh Jimin. Aren't you from the Elite streets? Then why do you have to chose these small ventures?"

From the annoyingly sweet voice of the new intruder, Jimin knew that it was Jermiah. Her tongue is literally long and she can rant about people all day long.

"Every business is worthy of appreciation, be it a small venture. Business starts from the base." Nayeon defended for Jimin. Nobody can mess with her Jiminie is she is present.

"I can't relate. Business is all about success. Look we are reviewing about the Jeon's. My father already know Jeon Jungkook. I am going to be meeting with him in the coming charity event held by the choi's."  Jermiah twirled a piece of hair in her hand with a dreamy gaze directed on the ceiling.

"Oh my god miah! The Jeon Jungkook? That handsome hunk? With all those tattoos and piercings? The one every girls swoon here for?" Nayeon side eyed Jimin trying hard to hold her laughter at the poor girls.

"YES! HIM!" Both the girls squealed like two dying rats making Nayeon to cover her ears to protect them.

Jimin looked like he saw some ghost infront of him. Are they literally talking and fangirling about his husband? His Jungkook? He scoffed. But that got immediately noticed by Jermiah ofcourse.

" You think I am joking? The event is in the coming Thursday, that means the next week. I will definitely talk with him. My dad already promised me a tour of their company. Aren't we lucky sofi?" Jermiah turned towards her friend with her still grinning mouth which Jimin wanted to wipe of so much.

Hey, it's his husband she is simpering for. What do you expect? A chill chick sipping on his strawberry milk shake? Definitely no. Instead Jimin was seeing red.
Somebody is not going to this year's event for sure.


Jungkook entered through the massive glass doors of Ryujin's office with a file in his right hand. They were friends from a very long time so the formal greetings were far away from their discussions.

His shoulders itching due to fresh marks of nails on them. Thank God he wore suits, otherwise this would have been on another level. That wild chick uses his nail every night. One day he is going to grab hold Jimin and force him to cut those nails. But the chick adore those nails so much. He had seen them sparkling with stars on them.

"Come inside Jungkook. I was waiting for you." Ryujin stood up from his chair with an enthusiastic smile before keeping her phone upside down suddenly.

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