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"Jinnie! Come here, the swings are free!"

Byulyi grabbed the metal chain of the swing and turned her head to look for the little, black haired boy. The little boy, better known as Kim Seokjin, flashed her a big smile before running over to Byulyi.

"Let me! Let me push your swing!", he offered the young girl eagerly. Byulyi's eyes lit up. "Really?", she asked in excitement. Byulyi got on the swing as she watched her Jinnie reach out for the metal chains and flash her another big, gleeful grin.

"Of course. I'm your boyfriend." Byulyi giggled happily. Ya wait! The little girl turned her head again to glare at Jinnie. "Jinnie, you're my husband! You were my boyfriend yesterday! But we got married yesterday!" Byulyi puffed out her cheeks in an angry manner.

Meanwhile Jinnie's eyes widened in panic. "I'm sorry, Byulyi. I, uh- I must have forgot!", he apologized, sincerity and worry in his big eyes.

Byulyi gave him a goofy grin and turned her head forward again. "Its fine." She could hear the young boy behind her sigh in relief. Jinnie started to push the girls swing carefully.

"You know, Byulyi, when I'm big and have a lot of money I'm gonna buy us a big wedding!", he promised, very excited about his idea. Byulyi giggled at his antics. "You don't buy a wedding, pabo!", she told him amused. "Then how do you get a wedding?", Jinnie challenged her in return. "You..." Byulyi got quiet.

How do you get a wedding?  "We can ask our seonsaengnim later!", Byulyi concluded, resting her cheek onto one hand. Sighing to herself, she started to get a little bored. "Ya push the swing a little harder! I'm barely going up.", Byulyi nagged the boy behind her. She could hear him gasp behind her. "Then you need to move your legs too!", Jinnie replied a little offended.

The little boy started to push Byulyi with all his might. Now that's high! As the wind fanned through her hair, Byulyi squealed in delight. Jinnie stepped aside, admiring his work.

"Woah Jin! Did you push the swing to go that high?" Byulyi immediately recognized the other voice. It was Jinnie's good friend Hoseok. She wanted to wave at him but was too afraid of letting the swing go so the young girl smiled at Hoseok instead.

"Yes! I am really strong!", Jinnie bragged, closing his eyes and crossing his arms. That's right! My husband is really strong!

"Can you push me too, Jin?", Hoseok asked while climbing onto the other swing. "Nah, you're too heavy.", Jinnie teased the small boy. Hoseok pouted at him. "Pleeeaaase, Jinnie!", he gave the other boy his best puppy eyes.

"Ya, Hoseok! Only I can call him Jinnie!",Byulyi claimed sternly. "She's right, Hobi! You're not my girlfriend!", Jinnie added, glaring at his friend. Byulyi stopped the swing. "I told you, Jinnie. We're married. I'm your wife!", she yelled rather irritated. How can he forget that?!

Hoseok looked at both his friends, his expression rather confused. Jinnie turned his head towards Byulyi. "Please don't be mad.", he pleaded, worry evident in his voice. Byulyi nodded. "If you don't forget again." Jinnie gave her a relieved smile.

"I don't want to be your wife anyway, Jin!" Hoseok stuck out his tongue. Jinnie turned around and gasped. "Ya! You never had a chance! I don't need another wife because I already have Byulyi!" Jinnie stomped over to Hoseok.

"But are you gonna push my swing?" Byulyi smiled to herself as she watched her Jinnie push his friend with a light pout on his face.

She jumped off the swing and picked a little daisy she had just spotted. "Where are you going? Byulyi."

A sudden voice behind her made Byulyi jump in shock. She turned around only to be met with Jinnie's curious gaze. "Look! Look! I have a flower for you." Byulyi showed the young boy the pretty daisy in her hand.

Jinnie took it, a big grin forming on his face. "Thank you so much!" Byulyi got up and patted the purple skirt she was wearing. He will love the bracelet I made for him!

A proud feeling overcame her. She had made a bracelet with her mom yesterday afternoon. It was going to be her birthday gift to Jinnie but that was many months away. MaybeI'll give it to him tomorrow.

Byulyi watched a bunch of squealing kids playing with some soccer balls. "Look what I have, Byulyi." Jinnie's soft voice grabbed the little girl's attention. A horrified squeak escaped her as she stared at the tiny creature in his hands.

"Is everything alright here?", asked a worried voice over them. One of their seongsaengnims had heard Byulyi's terrified squeal. Jinnie held up his hand at the older woman. "It's just a ladybug." Byulyi slowly calmed down again.

"I'm fine.", she assured her seongsaengnim as she watched the small bug fly out of Jinnie's hands. "Playtime will be over soon.", the burly woman reminded the two kids before leaving them alone again.

"I didn't want to scare you, Byulyi.", Jinnie muttered sincerely."It's fine, really!", Byulyi replied in a reassuring tone. The black haired boy smiled at her. "Maybe you can ask your parents if you can come over on saturday?", Jinnie asked her somewhat sheepishly.

Byulyi's eyes lit up. "I'm gonna do that!" Jinnie grinned, offering the girl his hand. Byulyi looked around shyly before taking it. The two kids exchanged a sheepish glance before giggling. Byulyi immediately let go of his hand. "We shouldn't hold hands already.", she declared, refusing to meet his eyes.

"But we're married. Isn't that what married people do?", Jinnie asked her in a challenging tone. Byulyi finally met his gaze again. "But they also kiss and that's gross! I don't wanna do what grown up married people do!" Jinnie nodded fiercly. "But can I kiss you when we are the grown up people?", he asked her unabashedly. Byulyi smiled shyly. "Maybe..."

A.N.: Hope you're enjoying this so far! I'm really excited to be publishing a fanfic of my own :>

Have a nice day/night <3

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