Chapter 6;

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{Chapter 6}

The blond had come around up, he was confused about where he had been until he saw the blue hair of the adeptus. The boy had his head leaning against his bed, supposedly sleeping.

He silently thanked Xiao for bringing him to the hotel and caring for him.

He reaches over, his hands finding their way into the Adeptu's fluffy hair. He carefully moved his hand against it, petting the top of his head.

He started to whisper what he had been thinking about since he had met Xiao. How he had noticed the Yakasha's expression whenever he laid eyes on him.

He explained the strange little wisps of memories he had been experiencing every once in a while. They were just brief clips of a past life. A smile from Xiao, the faint voice that spoke words of comfort, the sun shining against Yakasha's face.

He remembered no more of the memories, just a faint image ingrained into his memory.

Aether sighs, continuing to carefully comb Xiao's hair. He longed to know him better, to be close with him. He had never seen him smile in real life (at least he thought. The faint images seemed so real) Ever since he had had a flash of Xiao's smile in his memory he wanted to see it again. It was so beautiful.

Despite only knowing him for a short while he desired to make Xiao happy. He needed to see that smile, this time for real.

Unannounced to Aether, Xiao was wide awake trying his best not to break down or teleport away.

Aether sighs, leaning back. His hand lay still against Xiao's head as he closed his eyes. He needed more rest if he wanted to get back to commissions. He closed his eyes once more, drifting back off.

Xiao waited til he was asleep before teleporting back to his abode. He would check up on the traveler later, right now he could not bear any longer in that small room. He wiped at his eyes, unable to stop the tears from flooding.

What the hell did Aether mean by all of that? What all had he noticed? Was Aether somehow related to his past lover? Was Aether his past lover? None of these questions were to be answered at the moment.

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