The Ecstasy

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Sunday coming to an end, mood still low and after a long miserable Winter the gut was starting to look like Ashurst Beacon when lay down.
I was supposed to be on a rest day tomorrow Monday but nah not in my job off to Crown Court. I had a feeling that Monday would be a really long day of sitting around so I decided to check out the weather on the BBC Weather App for Monday. Lows of 5 degrees, winds 7mph and dry this is too good to miss. "I'm getting the bike out" I said to the wife "Weather great all week, I'm not missing this chance to ride everyday to work".
Carefully checked the bike over, it should be OK I did a few miles on it last week. Tyres good, bidon filled, lycra lay out over the banister (don't want to wake anyone up at half four in the morning). I had everything ready better check Accu Weather App just to see if the BBC was has having me on, Beltin nearly the same.
Alarm set and carbed up just need a good nights sleep.
Monday Morning got rudely awaken by ACDC Thunderstruck belting out I wrongly pressed the off button and thought that's it I am committed now. I had to take a double look outside frost everywhere.
Noooooo!!!! This is not on look at the temp on the thermometer 3 degrees. I did a quick think going up hills I will be fine, coming down head will hurt from the cold. Stuff it! Head warmer on under the helmet and go for it.
I set off at a reasonable pace but god it was cold. A quick painful decent and quick short sprint climb got me back into it.
I could see my breath after every exhale it was still dark but it felt good to be out on a two piston powered eco friendly machine.
It has been a while I have done over twenty miles mainly due to a horrible wet and windy winter normally a quick tenner between downpours.
I knew the pace was not going to break any of my better times but I felt really good. East Lancashire Road towards Windle came and went, the Blue bridge hill made me work a bit and not once did I have to drop down a gear. I looked back and thought "That's never happened before" a small smile came over my face and kept on going.
I got to the lights by the Waterside pub had a quick look at my watch and appreciated that no records are going to be broke I'm in no rush by the way it is only just 5:15 in the AM. Next lay by I'm going to have a minute before the climb that is Billinge.
I started my climb up and over Billinge and yep it took an extra two minutes. I finally got into work in one hour ten minutes, not bad but felt good.
I continued this week as I started full commutes to work and watched the times tumble.
After four days riding I said to Mrs O "I'm made up with achievements made with the ecstasy of seeing segment times falling to their previous levels and how good it felt"

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