"𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓘 𝔀𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓪 𝓭𝓸 𝓲𝓼 𝓻𝓾𝓷 𝓪𝔀𝓪𝔂, '𝓬𝓪𝓾𝓼𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝓶𝔂 𝓮𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓹𝓮, 𝓫𝓪𝓫𝔂."

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'Shua. Shua. Shua. Shua. Shu-'

'What is it?!' Joshua yells, ripping his eye mask off.

'I'm going to audition for Pledis today. Wish me luck.' Jeonghan requests, as Joshua's facial expression softens.

'Good luck, baby.'
Joshua responds, before landing a soft kiss on his boyfriend's lips.

Jeonghan smiles and caresses the younger one's cheek.
'I want you to drop me there.'
He adds, as Joshua sighs deeply.

'But, I just woke up...!'

Jeonghan giggles, 'And I need to go!
Come on, sleepyhead.'
Jeonghan rises from the sinking couch and walks towards the front door.
Joshua reluctantly follows after the older one, groaning with each step he takes.

Joshua turns the GPS on and drives towards their destination.
All the while though, Jeonghan practices singing(a song that Joshua had made)
"Can't live with losing you".

'Y-You're singing that song?!'
Joshua stammers, as a red flush envelops his cheeks.

'Why not? Are you embarrassed?'
Jeonghan replies, as he smugly lifts his brows.

Joshua nearly splutters all over the wheel. 'O-Of course I am! I wrote that song in freaking high school!'

'You're so cute.'
Jeonghan pinches Joshua's rosy cheek, before continuing to sing.

Joshua swears that Jeonghan's voice almost made him crash.
The manner in which he elongates his notes, lowers and heightens his pitch, purely trots. It sucks the young adult in.

- ♡ -

After roughly 30 minutes, they arrive.

'Okay, I'm gonna go now!
Or...are you gonna come with?'
Jeonghan asks, his boy humming in thought.

'No, I'll stay right here,'
Joshua gives him a gentle kiss.
'waiting for you.'

Jeonghan can't help but grin at hearing Joshua's answer.
'Alright, my love. See you in a min!'

- ♥︎ -

Jeonghan's eyes sparkle at the sight of Joshua holding a big, white box; red ribbon surrounding it.

Joshua plants it on the floor and sighs,
'Open it, baby.'

At once, Jeonghan tears open the present, not caring one bit if cardboard debris were to scatter all over the floor.
He laughs as he sets his eyes upon a small bottle of champagne paired with two flutes. He looks to Joshua as Joshua points towards the now split box.

'There's something else inside too.'
Joshua hints, as Jeonghan raises his eyebrows.
Once again, he peers inside the box to quickly catch sight of a glittery, pink microphone. Jeonghan stares at the object in shock.

'Y-You got this...f-for me?'
Jeonghan hesitates, clinging onto his gift.

Joshua smiles, 'I'm glad you like it, Han'.

'I don't like it Shua, I freaking love it!' Jeonghan exclaims, before leaping into his boyfriend's arms and rewarding him with a passionate kiss.

'Congratulations. On. Passing. The. Audition.' Joshua voices between each peck.

'Thank you, my love.' Jeonghan smirks, as Joshua's hands rest on Jeonghan's ass, Jeonghan straddling him.
Joshua then slightly squeezes it, causing Jeonghan to playfully punch his chest.
'Hey! Only I squeeze ass in this house.'

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