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I had an idea recently for a story, but I realized immediately afterwards that I don't have enough information on either of the worlds I'm getting information from (Because it's a crossover) to write a decent story using them. I also suck ass at writing. But if any of the *mumble counting* 3 people reading this want to use this idea, be my guest.

So I've been watching Daredevil recently and may I for starters say that it is a TOP TIER show. 10/10 all around. I really love Matt's emotional turmoil when it comes to not wanting to involve others in his shit until he's forced to, and then some fucked up shit happens and it just reinforces his point. All of the side characters are also really deep and have their own separate character arcs that really make me get attached to them. It's just really great. Also, Melvin is literally the best character in all of media history and no-one can change my mind.

But getting back to the story idea, I've always liked RWBY crossovers more than others just because of how easy it is to add in characters and make their powers make sense in universe. And based on what the last paragraph said, you can probably guess what the crossover is.

Before I actually get into my idea, I just want to say that I thought of this entire thing WHILE I was taking a test legally required by my state. So don't expect some Naruto: Legacy or My Altered Life (Oh my Kaguya those are such good books 10/10) level stuff. And my knowledge of Daredevil is coming from the show, not the comics.

So I was thinking that Matt would be born into the RWBY universe like everyone else, and is a person with Silver Eyes (I swear there is an actual reason for this to be the case and it's not just because I want him to be cooler than he already is). His upbringing is totally normal until his 9th journey around the sun where he gets into an accident after saving an old woman (who will soon be very important) from getting hit by a car. However, he doesn't get blinded in this one. His dad still dies later that year, and he is taken in by Maria, the old lady that I mentioned literally two sentences ago. Maria, recognizing his potential, starts his training but also realizes that there's only so much that she can teach him. So, she pulls some strings using her status as such a famous hunter and gets him enrolled in beacon when he's old enough.

Now, this is where the real plot twist happens. This is both a RWBY timeline story AND an STRQ story. You can spend as many chapters as you want on his time in Beacon, but I don't really envision that being where the main story takes place. He gets with Summer because "hehe they both have Silver Eyes and that's obviously enough for them to fall in love!" and after they graduate, Matt and Summer take missions from Ozpin as his most powerful weapons against Salem with their Silver Eyes. They have Ruby and live an overall happy life. This goes very well all the way up until their final mission. ( I don't know how Summer dies so I'm making this shit up) Ozpin has pinpointed the location of Salem's castle (I'm also making up some bullshit about it moving around) and sends them both out to kill her with their Holy Balls. The mission doesn't go as planned and Summer dies. Matt ends up overusing his eyes to an unseen (hehe) level in a blind (Haha I'm FUNNI) rage. He stuns salem and is able to escape, but he goes blind in the process. The residual holy power from his Final Flash ends up heightening his other senses to a level slightly higher than in the show.

He gets a job as an attorney since the Hunter's Association can't legally let him continue his job with the disability he has. He still raises Ruby on his own and trains her to have decent hand to hand while leaving the rest of her training up to Qrow. He also continues with his own training to learn how to fight while being blind. He eventually starts the whole Man In Black thing but isn't all that prominent or well known until Ruby goes off to Beacon. He also has an overall neutral opinion of Ozpin. He doesn't really like him because of the whole Summer mission, but he also acknowledges that it isn't entirely his fault.

I just realized that I haven't mentioned this yet, but Franklin is still the guy who built his suit and is his certified best friend because fuck Foggy (He's kinda meh to me). 

So Daredevil becomes well known but is also working WITH the police. Not on a Batman level, but still on a higher level than in the show. I think that he would probably meet his daughter and her team as Daredevil during the battle of the docks with Sun. 

And that's about as far as I've planned. If anyone somehow sees this and actually wants to use this overall idea, go for it. You can (obviously) take any creative liberties you want because even I can see that I planned out a lot of the backstory. But if you want to use it at least comment the name of the story or give me a link so I can see it. You don't need to give credit but it would be cool.



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