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Zombies have never made sense to me. Mainly, the virus part.

Is the Zombie dead or alive? They have to be alive, since you can kill them and a virus needs a living host to reproduce, but they have no way of sustaining life for the human body. You usually kill them by destroying the brain, but there have been multiple zombie designs with the brain exposed and rotting. And wouldn't the brain already be destroyed since all of the cells are dead?

Why do they eat people, and ONLY people? They realistically shouldn't need to eat at all, since they can't digest things. And even if they could, there are a lot easier and more nutritious prey that they can find. 

The "virus" is said to spread through zombie inflicted scratches and bites, but not other fluids? Some of these people are killing these things with their bare hands and then going off to dinner and I KNOW they don't have hand sanitizer, so how are they not getting infected through zombie blood?

I can understand and ignore most of this when the zombies are caused by supernatural means, but calling it a "virus" adds an unnecessary level of realism that pretty much DEMANDS elaboration. ESPECIALLY when they start talking about how some characters are immune to the "virus" and can be used to make a cure.

It's overall really confusing and dumb.

Hydrate or die.

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