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"Remake the World"

CHAPTER FIFTY-TWO"Remake the World"——

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"Well... I'll see you when I come back" Ashton states, promising that he will make it back. Ivy smiles and leans closer and closer to Ashton before turning and placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "You better come back" Ivy whispers in Ashtons ear making him nervous and red start to rise to his cheek.

"Jane" Ivy called out as Jane started to leave, making her stop in her tracks. Ivy gets close and at first she looks friendly and means well until, "If they don't come back, I blame you" Ivy states and Jane watches as Ivy's friendly demeanor drops as she talks about Ashton and Silas but Jane knew Ivy cared deeply for them, they were her family...

SCRAP SCRAP SCRAP; Ivy sits by a fire among the night sky that darkens Hilltop. She uses her blade or sharpen the ends of sticks to amuse her before she tosses the stick in the fire. Ivy decided to stay at Hilltop with Maggie instead of going to the commonwealth with Jane and Silas. She felt betrayed and beyond upset. She was still grieving from the lost of a friend... a friend she cared about deeply. A friend she may have loved more than a friend, did love more than a friend.

"I thought we were doing this in shifts" Lydia says as she takes a seat next to Ivy who stares at the fire, not wanting to move. "I told Maggie and Elijah to rest. I can't sleep anyway" Ivy says softly before tossing another stick into the already lit fire.

"I get your pain, I've lost people too" Lydia says, trying to reassure Ivy that she can get through this. "I shot my sister, dead. My best friend, who I lov—" Ivy rants before she stammers over her words. "He came back wrapped in a bloody white sheet because he was shot in the head over some dumb deal" Ivy explains, looking over to Lydia with tears forming in her eyes. Ivy felt as if no one understood her and that her pain was different.

"I'm sorry" Lydia says softly, not knowing how to deal with Ivy's anger. "Yeah, everyone's sorry" Ivy mumbles, looking back at the fire as she continues to scrap another stick.

"Ivy, I'm so sorry" Jane starts off before Ivy looks behind Jane seeing Silas walk in, carrying a body wrapped in a wipe and cloth and that's when Ivy knew. "No.. please. No! No!" Ivy shouts...

The car door opens and Jane exits out of the vehicle. She walks towards Aaron who was ready to meet Pamela Milton, leader of the commonwealth. Pamela originally didn't want to take a look at all the communities because thinks incorporating new communities would stretch Commonwealth resources too thin while Lance Hornsby, commonwealths second in command, argues that Alexandria, Hilltop, and Oceanside are perfect for his vision.

"Nice to see you" Jane greets, wrapping her arms around Aaron, embracing him in a friendly, loving hug. One of the commonwealth soldiers walk up to Aaron before they take their helmet off. It's Silas. "Nice to see you man" Silas greets, shaking Aaron's hand before stepping behind Pamela to be somewhat of her bodyguard while Aaron speaks with Pamela Milton and gives her a tour and run down of Alexandria.

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