Chapter 8- Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man Ending

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A/N- Okay, now this fic will have 3 alternate endings which basically means you as the reader get to pick which Peter Parker you end up with. So this chapter will be Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man ending and then Tom and Tobey's will be in the next two chapters. I hope you all enjoy.


You weren't sure what to do as you stood in the middle of the cemetery feeling a strange sense of déjà vu. It wasn't snowing like it had been in your universe, although it wasn't bright and sunny like the other universe either.

Dark clouds were forming in the sky above you, the gloomy weather making it feel late in the afternoon even though you were pretty sure it was still early morning.

Without much else to really do, you followed the the stone footpath out the cemetery before making your way down the street in the direction of your family's house, not really knowing what else to do. Everything seemed surprisingly familiar, even the street names and signs were the same as your universe making it easy to navigate your way through the town.

Raindrops started pattering on the sidewalk as you walked. The sound of the rain was almost soothing, drowning out the nosy traffic of Queens.

Although, the comforting rain didn't last longer than a couple of blocks because now it was pouring down, soaking your clothes and hair completely. By the time you reached your street, you were completely drench from head to toe, but that was the furthest thing from your mind when you saw your family home across the road.

With a quick look, making sure the street was clear, you made your way across the road, avoiding the water filled potholes before you reached the front of the house.

It looked so similar, yet so different at the same time. The house has had some work done to it, new renovations and extensions, but it was definitely still your family home, but you knew they weren't there. You saw their graves, whatever universe you've found yourself in, they were still dead.

Thunder cracked through the sky above you, followed by a bright streak of lightening flashing across the clouds causing you to flinch. The rain seemed to fall harder now and you moved further down the footpath to stand under the tree which didn't provide as much cover as you hoped, but it was better than nothing.

"Oh, dear what are you doing standing in the rain?" A woman suddenly called out.

The voice caught you off guard, not expecting anyone else to be out in this weather causing you to jump and turn around to find an older woman standing in the doorway of her house next door.

"Umm, I'm waiting for a friend to pick me up." You responded dumbly.

"Well, why don't you come inside out the rain? You can message your friend to knock on the door when they arrive." The woman suggested and despite thinking better of it, you nodded.

The rain was getting heavier by the minute and you were freezing, so you followed the older woman into her house and instantly sighed with relief at how warm it was inside.

"Here, I'll grab you a towel. You're soaking wet."

The woman disappeared further down the hallway, leaving you standing awkwardly in her lounge room as you looked around taking in the old fashioned interior before she returned and handed you a blue towel.

"Thanks. You didn't have to do all this." You replied, wrapping the towel around your body.

"Oh, nonsense. A beautiful young girl shouldn't be standing out in the rain by herself." She insisted before guiding you over the couch. "My name's May, would you like something to drink? I'm about to make a fresh pot of coffee?"

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